Outdoor growing and the risks


Hey guys, I'm looking to become a grower (just for personal use, so only a plant or two) and I live in PA. I have about 11 acres of wooded land, surrounded by more wooded land owned by neighbors who are, for the most part, too old to walk. My question to you guys, is what are my risks here? My land is posted as private property, covered from aerial view by trees (but trust me, sun will still get through), and I feel like most people would turn around and go home before they got to my property anyway, because they'd have to either enter from my driveway, or trek through 2 or 3 other properties first. I also have bonfires with friends on a weekly basis, so seeing a ton of people in my woods at 2 in the morning is commonplace, and goes unquestioned (and probably not noticed because of my distance from anyone else). Am I safe to grow here? Should I grow off my property? What should I be aware of, and what precautions should I take? Honestly, my only worry is having it get eaten, but I may be overlooking something. Any help would be awesome. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
ur propery sounds fine to grow on, if i had a chunk of land id grow on it but i dnt so i have to grow in these trails up the street from my house, ur only risk id say is A) helicoptors, so make sure they're conceiled well and blend in.and B) animals, they will destroy ur crops, ive had too many run ins with rabbits deer ect, this year and now know to invest in some chicken wire/fencing for next year, i suggest u do the same. i noticed that helicopters in my area generally will search the more rural areas of my town, so if ur off in the sticks, they're more likely to search there. another thing as hard as it is DONT TELL NE ONE!!!!!!!!!!, ive lost 2 crops to my supposed "freinds" and know now not to tell a soul, keep it to urself and youll be happy at the end of the year. i think thats it, ur property sounds more than fine even if cops find it they cant arrest u bc ppl grow on other ppls land all the time, theyll knock and ask u if u knew about them, just stay calm say i had no idea, and play it cool


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I'm looking to become a grower (just for personal use, so only a plant or two) and I live in PA. I have about 11 acres of wooded land, surrounded by more wooded land owned by neighbors who are, for the most part, too old to walk. My question to you guys, is what are my risks here? My land is posted as private property, covered from aerial view by trees (but trust me, sun will still get through), and I feel like most people would turn around and go home before they got to my property anyway, because they'd have to either enter from my driveway, or trek through 2 or 3 other properties first.
I also have bonfires with friends on a weekly basis
, so seeing a ton of people in my woods at 2 in the morning is commonplace, and goes unquestioned (and probably not noticed because of my distance from anyone else). Am I safe to grow here? Should I grow off my property? What should I be aware of, and what precautions should I take? Honestly, my only worry is having it get eaten, but I may be overlooking something. Any help would be awesome. :mrgreen:
Rip offs are your biggest concern.


Alright, sounds good. and yeah, like you said, if they ask, I'll just be chill about it. I mean, there's like... 15-20 cops in my area, I don't think they're gunna send out like a fucking task force for it haha. In all honestly, they'll probably just rip it out, and ask. I feel like it should go pretty smoothly. While we're on the topic, anyone know a good outdoor strain? Preferably somewhat easy to grow, since this is my first time haha


Oh, and the chicken wire thing... Isn't that what can really get you in trouble? Since it's like a physical obstruction, and a potential hazard, plus the fact that there's bud growing there. I dunno, I'd love to protect it from animals with wire, but I don't wanna get into a whole realm of trouble. I just figured I'd get some of my dogs hair/shit, and piss around the area a whole bunch.


Well-Known Member
Dont fear the cops, whats the worse that will happen? A ticket, summons to court and a fine....big deal lol.


Well-Known Member
lots of strains grow well outdoors man... remember its only been indoors the past 30 years or so because of prohibition...


Well-Known Member
i would just do some bagseed for ur first grow, that way if it does go bad u didnt blow 50 bucks on seeds, no shame in bagseed, it often turns out better than the weed it came from,


Well-Known Member
when I researched arrest rates in my state I found I was statistically close to 100 times less likely to be busted growing indoor than outdoor, but given your property situation I doubt this figure applies. Don't you have a spare closet somewhere in the basement you could plant a couple or are you going for a larger grow?


Active Member
when planting outdoors in the ground i found armadillos will dig up your soil and f your crop up. i use wire hangers and cut them to make like u shape stakes and stick them in the ground around your medium so they cant walk through it and dig. especially if you are using worm castings since thats is what they are after is worms. hope this helps.