outdoor growing in a "ditchweed" rich environment questions.....


Hey all, tossing around ideas to make a outdoor grow work, when the whole area around me is covered in wild growth ditchweed.
My thoughts are that a short grow autoflower could be planted outdoors and be harvested before the natural ditchweed matured enough to start throwing pollen out. Anybody agree/disagree with this logic?
Any other words of wisdom from anyone doing an outdoor grow in a ditchweed rich environment?

Thoughts? Ideas? would love to hear them.


thanks drolove,lol. Hermit I have the same stuff. Autos are not my thing either, but worth a shot to allow me a outdoor harvest. Thinking of starting them indoors early in spring then as soon as temps cooperate, plant 15 to 20 plots with 5 seedlings each, should be harvested before the local ditchweed gets anywhere near mature enough to interfere, if it works I will be happy, if not then I can just chalk it up to a failed experiment, no stress, if anyone has any ideas to add to this let's hear them. and if you don't think it would work please explain why? Thanks For the Help and Advise


Well-Known Member
You may get along ok with auto's but I live in north west Indiana and I have had no luck even with auto's. The wild male pollen starts flying here the 1st of august so it will have to be finished before that.


Well-Known Member
You could buy a pack of regular autos and get a seed run in before it is outdoor season. That is only if growing indoors is possible for you, but it could save you some money on seeds.


Well-Known Member
Oh sorry bout I was wrong. I live in the east, we don't have any ditch weed. If you do decide to grow it make a journal so we can see the outcome.