Outdoor growing in Phoenix AZ


Hello all, is it beneficial to grow outdoors in Phoenix AZ or better off getting a grow tent?
I grow exclusively outdoors. But to answer your Q properly, one must define "beneficial" and "better". There are benefits to each method and better depends on what ur looking for. I prefer outdoors because sunlight is free. The only neighbor that can see over my fence also grows, so I'm safe there. Plus, I prefer taller plants that the outdoors allows... some of the strains that I grow are over 8 feet tall. I can get about a full pound from each plant, with one strain I can get 1.75 pounds from just one plant. These things just can't be done in a tent small enough to fit in ur house.

If U choose to grow outdoors... 1st, unless U're growing "autos", always start in the spring and use a 30% to 40% shade cloth in hot climates like yours. Seeds are easier than clones for your first few grows. Many outdoor growers like me also do it without "bottled nutes", preferring to grow 100% organic with roots in the ground (not in any kind of pot).

Hope this helps... :peace: