Outdoor growing issues what to do?

Either way you're going to be into Nov.. If it were me I would keep the re-veg and start new clones.. or keep a couple and start a couple clones.. I hate killing a plant before it's time! Those re-veg could get huge..
How far into flower did those get? I see bud and some giant swollen calyx's. From the looks of the growth your a ways into reveg, probably only a week or so until they start Poppin normal leaves. Put light on them at night for the next few weeks and they will be ready to bud when everything else does. Buds will be popcorn but it should be fine by flowering time. Just help it along and give it extra light time to pull out of middle reveg.

Below are those giant calyx's and what looks like a small bud. But its fuzzy can't tell.

Thanks for the advice! I planted clones on April 1st, and it seemed liked they went into flower very soon. Then in about middle of May it started doing the reveg thing. I have never grown outdoors. when you say put light on them. Does that mean I should put the plants inside under lights once the sun goes down? Thanks again!
I use seeds for outdoors and pop the in the beginning of April. We popped 96 seeds and none of them flowered prematurely. I have some clones indoors and will put them out on the 4th of July,Hardening them off in the shade for a week before full sun. Clones are a mature plant that usually flower immediately without supplemental lighting. I agree with Thumper those plants aren't worth waisting soil on
Thanks Eddy! So I just got a few baby clones. do you think I should veg them in doors with light 24 hours a day then wait till July, then harden them off outdoor?
Thanks Eddy! So I just got a few baby clones. do you think I should veg them in doors with light 24 hours a day then wait till July, then harden them off outdoor?
You got it, make them clones grow.. There are some growers that re-veg on purpose.. It's called Monster Cropping.. Check it out!
thanks! Is the best medium or soil for outdoor is something like the fox farm soil? And is it best to plant the clones in ground for biggest yield?