Outdoor Growing Questions


Active Member
This year I'm gonna pop my cherry, I'm gonna lose my marijuana growing virginity. I'm going to do it outside. Ive been looking up some places to grow on Google Earth. I have a few planned to go check out on my bike, but first i have some questions.

1) I cant start plants off indoors, so would germinating them (paper towel) then planting seeds that sprout directly in soil outdoors be fine?

2) If i were to tie some plastic flowers onto the plants, late in growth, just in case anybody stumbles upon them, this wouldn't hurt the plant would it?

3) In the U.K (London Area), whats the earliest i can plant outdoors?

4) I have 10 seeds of 'New Purple Power' that i brought from an head shop here (they are genuine), how much do you reckon i will yield?

Any other information for growing in the U.K is welcome! :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
This year I'm gonna pop my cherry, I'm gonna lose my marijuana growing virginity. I'm going to do it outside. Ive been looking up some places to grow on Google Earth. I have a few planned to go check out on my bike, but first i have some questions.

1) I cant start plants off indoors, so would germinating them (paper towel) then planting seeds that sprout directly in soil outdoors be fine?

2) If i were to tie some plastic flowers onto the plants, late in growth, just in case anybody stumbles upon them, this wouldn't hurt the plant would it?

3) In the U.K (London Area), whats the earliest i can plant outdoors?

4) I have 10 seeds of 'New Purple Power' that i brought from an head shop here (they are genuine), how much do you reckon i will yield?

Any other information for growing in the U.K is welcome! :blsmoke:
1. Could work, could not, you'd be better off starting them inside if you can

2. No, that would just attract people

3. not sure im not from there

4. depends on how long there out for, say 2-3 months outdoors could get anywhere from a hp to a pound per plant again it all depends on the care taken


Well-Known Member
i would adv ise you to take extreme precautions against animals and bugs, escpecially while sprouts plants are very vunerable. do some research


Active Member
I have considering erecting small fences, but i would rather if somebody came across my plants, they just looked over them. Than saw a shit load of fence and got too interested.


Well-Known Member
I've been a guerrilla outdoors grower for about 12 years now.When i first started i had some of the same problems u are having now.It's best to start them indoors and ,if possible to try to sex them and then plant outdoors.But,since you say you can't do thisI reccomend that you do this #1.Go out into the woods or country side and look 4 a location that is scarce that nobody goes there very often or at all.when u think u have good location inspect the living hell out of it.Look for great cover,a water source.Also,look 4 footprints (humans,Deer) look for signs of illeagel dumping or people partying(beercans,fire pits,rubbers.)You do not want to put your plants around any of that shit.If you feel your location is secure , the first thing is to find a stealthly way in and out of your garden.Now,remember most people get caught by allowing somone to witness them going to and from their garden.you must be absollutley sure that their r no eyes watching you.If u cant start plants inside the only other advice i have for u is to wait until about the middle of may or later to sow your seeds right into the ground the latter u wait the better.this is why.the warmer the ground the faster the seedling will sprout.Also when the plants start to grow it will notice the change in sunlight due to the summer solistice and will flower a little more quickly.Don't plant all of your seeds in the place.Spread them around.its better to grow the least amount of plants,but to make those plants fucking GIANTS.get them as big a you can.only if you have the cover to do so.dont allow your plants to out grow your cover.Camoflauge your plants with other plants.Plant next other bushier plants.Hanging objects on your plants is not a good idea.It would hurt the plant if someone were to encounter it notice what it was and takes it.that would hurt you more than the plant.Camoflauge,camoflauge.camoflauge.You dont want to plant too early.June 1st is best Goodluck 2 u.


Active Member
Thanks for the wisdom man. So, the longer i wait, the better? I'm not sure if i can wait that long... Too damn exciting, I'm heading into London tomorrow to maybe buy 10 or so more good seeds of a different strain.

Any more tips on hiding plants? How many people would actually recognize them?

Plus, whats the best soil to buy?


Active Member
Another question, if i germinate seeds indoors (paper towel) and plant outdoors once the root sprouts, will this shock the seeds? Will i have problems? Would it be better to plant them directly outside?


Well-Known Member
its a plant they are ment to be outside, generally if it isnt cold out or any frost there shouldnt be a problem but not all seeds will sprout its just the way it is.


Active Member
I just heard that moving seedlings outside directly is a bad idea. So i thought that maybe germinating seeds indoors then moving sprouted seeds outdoors and planting them may cause trouble.


Well-Known Member
the best way to hide or camoflauge your plants is to use what u have at your location.Small stocky bushes,Wild rose bushes anything w/width and height.In other words your secret location is your best camo.Dont tell anyone,even your boyz,girlfriend.Never tell your girl anything @ your garden.if things dont work out.they have somthing over your head & could try to blackmail ya.If you hide your plants or location very well there should be no traffic except animals.your average person wont see a pot plant if it's camoed properly.If u start having problems w/deer or other critters you should erect a small fence usind steel stakes to anchor.the soil i use is (happy frog)and i mix it in with a little pro mix.I'm strictly an organic cultavator.then after the plants reach thw "V" stage i use water soulable nutes that i add to my H2O along with H2O2.


Well-Known Member
I also grow indoors for now but i live in texas i say what the fuck it stays warm here so I am also going to try and grow outdoors when it comes around, but me watering them sounds odd, cause if i water them then it rains well WTF MATE? Also what is a good line of nutes?