Outdoor Guerilla Gro


Hey Folks,

I've been a lurker for a while; figure I may as well stop in and say hello and introduce myself. Nothing like a little online camaraderie for adding motivation and success to the fellow growers :)

So here are all the plants I've got going. Last night we had a pretty nasty storm that included some hail, and today I took these photos. Two of the three took some sort of damage that wiped out all their new leaves and gave them a topping. The smallest seedling was also damaged. I saw some of the leaf matter in the soil, along with some other different leaves, which made me think it could have been storm damage rather than something chomping away, although I'm definitely worried about chompers. Maybe the storm washed away my piss, so something chomped today before i could get to "em. I did piss a little around em today but was only holdin' a few drops.

There are lots of deer out there, and today one saw me by the plants, panicked, and started making hissing sounds at me. So maybe the damage is indeed due to chompers. Anyway Im gonna get back out there in the mornin and spray some liquid fence or something similar.

I'm also worried about these babies getting enough sun in this location. This pic was taken just after 1 PM, and It looks like the sun has just cleared the NE tree line in the last hour. The South West exposure seems iffy, gotta make it back out and see how it is around 5 pm or so. So they at least get a few good hours, but im not sure how much they soak up in the evening. Anyway without further adieu and rambling, I have a few pics.

The sun has just passed over the tree line, and these plants are in the hot afternoon sun. Might have to bail em out to where they get full mornin sun.

Hope you all enjoy, and good luck to all you people out there doing this thang. Many things to stand in your way, but may we conquer them all!

Peace out.



Active Member
the plants are kinda small, but nice job. i just started some a week ago after my original plants started dieing off. i heard plants respond more to morning light, so definitely try to move them if you can. keep up the good work



I moved the plants about a week and a half ago. Went and saw them at dusk tonight. They are doing great : ) We've had great weather with somewhat less heat in the days and frequent evening showers. Wish I brought the cam for pics, will do next time i go.

- Now, there is a very puzzling occurrence happening, and I'm turning to you guys for some input/ideas. Ive moved the plants three different times, and each time I move to a new spot, I hear the same noise when I visit at night. The locations have been spread out in probably a 10 mile radius. The noise comes from above, in the trees, and its like a mixture of a chirp and a whistle. Kind of sounds like how you'd whistle at a hot girl when you see her, but in a different tone, and with a chirp in front of it. And its pretty loud. It also kind of sounds like an alarm. The crazy thing is its always pretty close to the secret spot... So....has anybody heard of such a thing before? Crazy that its been happening in every spot...

Anyhow, I'll get some pics up for entertainment.the next time I make a visit.
Peace out,


Ha Ha thats hella funny, your already paranoid!! Two years ago me and my buddy did a guerilla grow behind his house, deep in the middle of blackberry bushes. One night we were back watering and its hotter than hell and im getting poked by blackberry bushes and all of a sudden i hear a huge kerrrplunk!of someone throwing a rock into the creek that was next to us. we just went dead silent and i looked at my buddy and he looked at me and then we heard another splash! then i swear i could hear someone walking off throught the forest. We got the hell outta there and ended up a month later.....(too make a long story short) someone had found our spot, they took the plant out and dumped the dirt and left the smart pot there!!! haha so at least we got our smartpot back. We had two spots, that one was raided by who knows who? and the other spot no one found out about it but we bailed on it once the first spot got ruined. Whatever! we had fun doin it and gave us a learning experience for my future grows


sounds like a bird or something, In my case i think a bum got into our garden. Always gotta watch out for those bums



Went out to visit the plants today in their new location. Moved one as they were all in one group. Wondering if I should separate the two grouped now or leave em as is. I was trying to scout some spots out there today, but they are kinda scarce.

Big Bloom makes these plants shoot up like crazy! I fertilized them three days ago at half strength with an epsom salt addition and there has been good growth.

I'm not paranoid about the sound, I think its just a funny coincidence that every time I'm out there at night, at three totally different locations, I hear the same sound.

I'm wondering when I should hit em with Grow Big. Probably will pretty soon. Also, these are AK 48 and Wonder Woman. Not sure which is which, but I think the two topped ones are the AK's and the biggest is the Wonder Woman.

The biggest one has a MJ smell to it, where the other two smell like just plants. Also, the bugs love the two presumable non smelly AK's and leave alone the WW. Gotta get back out there soon and hit em with Neem.

Woulda done it today but I was out there in the mid day sun, and I hear you need to spray it early morning or late evening.

So I guess its ok to spray your budding plants with neem??

Well thanks for looking guys, peace out.


Well-Known Member
Probably an Owl they like to mess with me at night most likely cause I'm not the normal animal out there. I've always spread mine out have lost many to critters and crooks. I've also had many success out there Blackberry patches and morning sun always seem to do the best. Good Luck never give up.