Outdoor Guerilla Grow: Slugs & Earthworms & Smell


Active Member
and these were taken today... :( :( :(

I am almost sure slugs/slimes got to them because I saw some glowy residue on some of the leafs


the vegitation around the spot grew CRAZY (I mean really crazy, 4-5 meter bushes/thorns/ivy everywhere)

no afternoon sun / no early sun because of that

and suggestions ?

*check the last post of the 2nd page for photos taken before*



and these were taken today... :( :( :(

I am almost sure slugs/slimes got to them because I saw some glowy residue on some of the leafs


the vegitation around the spot grew CRAZY (I mean really crazy, 4-5 meter bushes/thorns/ivy everywhere)

no afternoon sun / no early sun because of that

and suggestions ?

*check the last post of the 2nd page for photos taken before*
Aside from the beer trick mentioned earlier for slugs, I heard they also don't like crossing sand, so maybe try pouring a line of sand (fairly wide), around your plants... never tried it before but perhaps worth a shot. If there are thorns, maybe cut some branches and place them as a barrier around them too.

The only thing you could really do about the tall veg. is trim branches... get some hedge clippers in there. Depends on how much you're willing to take off that won't compromise the security of your site.

As for smell concerns, it could come down to how easy would it be for someone to find it if they did follow their nose. You might be taking a risk with being so close to people if they can access your spot easy enough.

I'm a newbie grower though, so my ideas don't exactly come from experience.


I think your plants will be just fine.. but be careful about that salt, so you dont get any of it down in the soil and on to the roots when you water (or if it rains?)... My guess is that if that happens, you'll kill the plants... I would rather go for the beer-method..


only advice I can give: try a small shovel and carefully remove the salt... and trow it the hell away...

I dont know for shure, but my guess is that you're right: stupid, stupid idea...


Active Member
i've been to the spot at night for watering:

lots of slugs around the spot but none can enter =)

i'm keeping the salt until I find a more viable solution (ill be watching the weather forecasts closely though :))


Active Member
not copper tape, thats a power cord ripped apart for its copper wires =)

Sevin-10 Bug Killer Dust?

what is 7 veg. dust?


W. Forecast shows rain for friday, dunno what to do.
If I clear that salt, I'm most certainly sure that those slugs will rape my girls after rain.


Active Member
massive pest infestation in the area after VERY HOT 2 days...

found 2 different pest on my girls:
one black small hard shelled,
second is green, with 2 long antennas..

-sprayed neem oil&soap on/under every leaf
-i've put 3 large sticky strips around the spot

crappy photos of pests from other plants, you can spot them though.

this is an auto fem guerilla grow so far the problems I've encountered:

storms, cold weather, slugs&slimes
and now:
spider mites

wish me luck :peace:


I'm sorry for being a troll but jesus christ, 3 pages ago you were told to get copper wire. Get the goddamn wire already and be done with it. Seriously, considering the list of hardships and variables one encounters while growing guerilla, if you are having trouble fighting a damn slug then you are in for an eye opener.
Upon reviewing my post I realize I am not only a troll but also an ass. It didn't occur to me that copper is a bit pricey nowadays and some people just can't afford that luxury. If that is the case I do sincerely apologize.


Active Member
he could always use old pennies, just past a certain year they dont have copper. im sure he can somehow get a piece of copper wire, it shouldnt be that hard or cost much at all

edit: he put copper wire around his plants a while ago


Active Member
Slugs aren't any problem, you should read more before posting hehehe

Today it was really hot / humidity too high too.. Many white flies around (like little tomato flies). Luckily I've put 3 very large yellow poison strips last night.

Tomorrow I'll visit the spot & post new pictures, peace & out.

Good luck to everyone.

Edit: we don't have pennies around here (around southern europe)


Well-Known Member
man get some seven dust or the spray type it work's wonder's i apply it every time i visit. And bug's are no bother.


Active Member
another visit to the spot:

no watering, just to apply neem oil+soap+water spray again

there is still some spider mite activity after 2nd day applying the oil (expected that anyway)

you can see the immediate effect of the nutes (compare last photos with todays)

check the yellow sticky.

edit: I haven't heard of seven dust or spray / don't have it where I live.

