Outdoor Hindu Skunk Stretch


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

I'm just curious if this kind of stretch is a normal occurrence outdoors. Plants get direct sunlight from 10am-7pm. This is the first time I've done mainlining, so wondering if there's some extra stretch that comes with that. Check out the pics attached and let me know if you think you see anything abnormal that might be causing this kind of stretch. 106351270_2651323031804980_6918952089680887214_n.jpg

Im not sure I see what you're referring to as the stretch? Are you talking about the node spacing? Or what were your "lower branches" getting longer and the whole canopy evening out?

Any chance you have any pictures from farther away? Its too hard for me to tell up close like that, I cant get the perspective right and not sure how long those branches are.
Im not sure I see what you're referring to as the stretch? Are you talking about the node spacing? Or what were your "lower branches" getting longer and the whole canopy evening out?

Any chance you have any pictures from farther away? Its too hard for me to tell up close like that, I cant get the perspective right and not sure how long those branches are.

Hey Dunphy, thanks for responding. I'm refering to the node spacing. Basically, I topped the plants for the final time (one has 16 tops and the other one 8 ) and each one of those tops grew like 5" before another node appeared. I'm just wondering if thats normal for mainlining, for the strain or there are other factors at play that I am not aware of. I grew out some Power Plant and CBDxCritical Mass and I didn't see this kind of node spacing. Here are some more pics for reference..


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