outdoor hole

i put my girl down in 3x3x3 hole on the ground with good soil mix with native dirt my girl is 3-4 feet tall how much should i water ?
or how many gallons of water should i use pretty big hole ...


Active Member
You can let your lady's feet get dry to the point where she starts to droop and then water it and she'll come back in 30 minutes. Its a technique I recommend for people who are planting new citrus. Thats a nice sized hole so she wont get that thirsty. There are some variables though, what kind of soil did you use? The soil could retain more moisture than others or it could be more aerated. also Is your plant from seed or clone? If it's from seed, you'll have a tap root that will get the water from the Earth eventually by itself (depending on where you live.) How windy and hot the day's are also, Marijuana likes to breath so if its a windy day, they will loose a lot of moisture. Just some things to think about, but with a hole that big, you'll def have to water less than more.
im in california an its from seed it gets around 93 95 of heat so im confused if i should water every 2 days or every 3 i want them to be some monsters i still have 2 more months of veg an ther almost 4 feet tall you think there still guna grow bigger ?


Active Member
Oh yeah brother, you have yourself a recipe for at least a 1lb per plant in theory. That's a huge medium for your ladies feet to rush through, not only that, but they'll never be restricted because under that is earth. Yeah I live in Cali, similar weather, maybe a little hotter. I'd say the first couple of times you water them, don't worry about how much water you give because you'll help guide those roots down. Once that tap root is way down there you'll notice you won't have to give them as much water.


how much you water depends on the soil type. what kinda soil are you growing in? i know you said you put her in good soil, but what about the soil around her (the "native dirt")? If it's clay rich, you've gotta be careful with watering or you'll drown her.


Active Member
Yeah I do, I use Maxsea (seaweed extract) 3x16 for veg, and Maxsea 3-20-20 for bloom. I also use use Mycorrhizal fungi, Molasses, Elanore's VF-11 and Superthrive. Superthrive is not considered organic, but it works really good. For pesticides I use fly strips, lady bugs, neem oil and let the spiders live in the greenhouse If i see them. And the soil I'm trying a few different things, some are in a Gardner's Choice planting mix, some are in Bumper crop mixed with Gold rush and 2 of them are in the expensive ass Fox Farm. This is my 2nd season, last year I stayed pretty close to this recipe but I had them in a dog house! Didn't start til mid June and the roots were really restricted in the container, still got 8oz. per plant. This year I fixed those couple of problems and I'm super optimistic!
Yeah I do, I use Maxsea (seaweed extract) 3x16 for veg, and Maxsea 3-20-20 for bloom. I also use use Mycorrhizal fungi, Molasses, Elanore's VF-11 and Superthrive. Superthrive is not considered organic, but it works really good. For pesticides I use fly strips, lady bugs, neem oil and let the spiders live in the greenhouse If i see them. And the soil I'm trying a few different things, some are in a Gardner's Choice planting mix, some are in Bumper crop mixed with Gold rush and 2 of them are in the expensive ass Fox Farm. This is my 2nd season, last year I stayed pretty close to this recipe but I had them in a dog house! Didn't start til mid June and the roots were really restricted in the container, still got 8oz. per plant. This year I fixed those couple of problems and I'm super optimistic!
oh thats awsome bro your guna do beyond great i started my girls in febuary ...by the way how do you use the maxsea ?
the main reason i wana go organic is to turn my medacine purple with the tea but i still want a huge ield you kno i been good indoors but outdoors never focused on it with organics you kno


Active Member
oh thats awsome bro your guna do beyond great i started my girls in febuary ...by the way how do you use the maxsea ?
the main reason i wana go organic is to turn my medacine purple with the tea but i still want a huge ield you kno i been good indoors but outdoors never focused on it with organics you kno
Yeah no wonder yours are 4ft! mine are about 3' now. I usually just mix and poor it on, generously, like I've tried pretty hard to nute burn them and they only agree with it. I'm going to try and spray it on the leaves tomorrow morning. A friend on here just told me it works great in the morning as a foliar feed so I'm anxious to try that.
As far as getting your trees to be purple, I can tell you how I got mine to turn Barney last year. First of all you have to have a strain that can produce a anthocyanin pigment. I had Grand Daddy, strong Indica that is purple! Towards the end of the grow season, when your flowers are all huge, It will start getting colder here, were lucky we have this perfect grow weather cycle here in Northern Cali. The cooler weather nights will stress the chlorophyll (which is dominate in most plants for producing the green) and will allow the anthcyanin pigment to come through. The thing you have to watch for is moisture towards the end of flowering, because most strains that produce the purple, are not mold resistant!
Yeah check out my plants on my profile album

there nice your definantly guna do super great alot of hash oil from trimings lol
but yo check this out the colder weather is a bonus trust me the organic way to turn your buds purple is
BLUEBERRIES or BLACKBERIES and the taste would be incredible plus no need for flushing if you do it all from compost tea ... i learned that from GOBIGINTERNATIONAL
hes from santa rosa out in the bay you should check him out on youtube im outhere in the valley
his video shows the turning purple with blueberries


Well-Known Member
im in california an its from seed it gets around 93 95 of heat so im confused if i should water every 2 days or every 3 i want them to be some monsters i still have 2 more months of veg an ther almost 4 feet tall you think there still guna grow bigger ?
They will definitely get bigger. If 4 ft. now you could be looking at some 10-14 ft tall plants by the end of the season.
Keep up w/ when u watered and when it rains and try to maintain a balance of the plants getting watered every 2-3 days thru the summer. Thru a really hot/dry summer it usually don't hurt to water every day. But bottom line is: your plants will end up being ur guide to when to water (*after u get used to their individual needs*)
They will definitely get bigger. If 4 ft. now you could be looking at some 10-14 ft tall plants by the end of the season.
Keep up w/ when u watered and when it rains and try to maintain a balance of the plants getting watered every 2-3 days thru the summer. Thru a really hot/dry summer it usually don't hurt to water every day. But bottom line is: your plants will end up being ur guide to when to water (*after u get used to their individual needs*)

awesome advice thank you i cant wait till harvest


Active Member
there nice your definantly guna do super great alot of hash oil from trimings lol
but yo check this out the colder weather is a bonus trust me the organic way to turn your buds purple is
BLUEBERRIES or BLACKBERIES and the taste would be incredible plus no need for flushing if you do it all from compost tea ... i learned that from GOBIGINTERNATIONAL
hes from santa rosa out in the bay you should check him out on youtube im outhere in the valley
his video shows the turning purple with blueberries
Ohh thats such a sick idea! I have a few blueberry bushes too! do you just use them like towards the end of flowering? Thanks for the info man, this is exciting!! Def going to look him up now


Active Member
lol oh yeah I've seen this guy before, You would not be able to understand him if you weren't from around here lofl. He has so many videos. nice
lol oh yeah I've seen this guy before, You would not be able to understand him if you weren't from around here lofl. He has so many videos. nice
yea lol and why you say that ??? yeahh only during flower you fill up water in a 5bgallon and let the blueberries decompose in there mostly berrys for that dark purple color but mix in the fruits with no nitrogen bat guano ...


Active Member
yea lol and why you say that ??? yeahh only during flower you fill up water in a 5bgallon and let the blueberries decompose in there mostly berrys for that dark purple color but mix in the fruits with no nitrogen bat guano ...
He talks like a Californian in some of his videos ha. Yeah I'm watching his compost tea videos now, have you used them on your indoor before? looks pretty good
He talks like a Californian in some of his videos ha. Yeah I'm watching his compost tea videos now, have you used them on your indoor before? looks pretty good

lol he a coo grower bro hah
but actually this is my first organic grow ive always used an
so its all new to me lol but im exted cause i did top my plants 27 times lol so im expecting nice organic results