Outdoor hydro diy


Well-Known Member
im gonna take a crack at an outdoor hydro deal. I plan to tie it in with my fish and turtle pond. The bulk head will be an overflow back to the pond. Blue tube will have an extra pump to raise the water level every 20 minutes. I'm not sure if I'll make an air Venturi on the constant feed or add an air pump and stone. Won't know till I fire it up. The only big issue I foresee is ph. The pond runs on the acidic side but not below 6. The norm is 6.2-6.5.
I love some input as to whether I'm wasting my time or if this is actually feasible
I wanna see this

Sooo are you using pond water? 5.5-6.5 is hydro PH range so you'll be good running 6.2-6.5

The issue I see is that black tub getting hot as shit and you'll have some real hot water. Do you have plans to keep it cool?
It will be 6" in the ground. Between that and the pond water staying under 73, I'm hoping it does the trick. I have some styrofoam boards I can put on the sides if temps rise. That's the other concern I've been thinking about. I have a big chiller I used on my reef tanks as a last resort. Gonna be trial and error I'm thinkin.
It will be 6" in the ground. Between that and the pond water staying under 73, I'm hoping it does the trick. I have some styrofoam boards I can put on the sides if temps rise. That's the other concern I've been thinking about. I have a big chiller I used on my reef tanks as a last resort. Gonna be trial and error I'm thinkin.
Gotcha, i'd say cover all of the black for sure.

how are you feeding? Are you going for dwc, flood and drain or what?
Water will be constant flow with my main pond pump. Another small pump will kick on very 20 minutes to raise it into to net pots.
The second pump will also be pond water. The pond is the food.....I'm hoping.

I`d get some bennies going too, maybe you can even add a little food or cal mag to the net pots, if you use a 30 micron filter going out of the grow tank that should keep most of your nutes from ending up in the pound ?
Ive thought about it..it'll be pretty easy to upsize containers if needed. Tbh, I hope I have that problem. Means somethings working lol
Ive thought about it..it'll be pretty easy to upsize containers if needed. Tbh, I hope I have that problem. Means somethings working lol

I hear ya on that. Problem is, if it does plug up a constant feed pump on the return side your pond will be empty in no time with any kind of decent pump. I dont think your fish & turtles will be cool with that lol
The overflow will have a wall with filter pad made with a piece of egg crate. I know roots grow fast but I should be able to keep up with what's going on in there....but, I'll add an additional overflow on the 'in' side of the container. Flow will keep the roots away.