outdoor hydroponics in a river gulley, hints please.


Hi everyone, I have found a place with a limitless supply of running water, some cliffs around it, all day sun, some soil, and i am questioning myself about the best setup for outdoor hydroponics....

I can have 3-4 meters of water pressure and a bunch of drippers that drip water all day long. the soil there is half sand and half organic matter, and i can get more sand nearby. the slope of the garden is about 20 degrees, south facing, all day sun, and water should run off nicely into the river underneath. the water comes from the river above.

What should i do??? fill up big bags of soil, put them on garden with plants in, and do hydroponics above the ground? what if i did hydro in the soil itself, i would have to measure the depth etc?

what about nutrients? the water is just river water.


Don't try to re-invent the wheel, as userlame ^^^ above said, Keep it Simple, Do what others do and get the results they get. Otherwise you'll get NOTHING and be writing a thread later about why NOT to try growing outdoor hydro in a river. There are much better ways to use the site you described. Getawaymountain is a master of swamp growing, read his threads and do lots of research or you'll be wasting your time and effort.


I have to water it, it's baking here and it's in full sun on a south facing thing, they'll need a litre a day at least. it's in sand so a plant that's well watered in that spot would be dead in 10 days in the heat of summer.

steep gulley.jpg


Oh right! i meant hydroponics with sandy soil for a medium!

like i mean constantly flowing water on a slope, with rocks underneath, that's why it's constantly running...