Outdoor in alberta canada?

I've heard mixed things, some people say you can do it if you have a good spot and others say its pointless. What do you guys think? If you were to try it when would you plant? thanx for your feedback!


Well-Known Member
you can do it! its all strain and area dependent though , what part of alberta? i wouldnt try a guerilla grow at all anywhere in alberta.
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Well-Known Member
ideally you will want some type of green house that you could put a radiant oil heater in, if needed.


Well-Known Member
Maybe autoflowers were made for this type of situation?
Start them inside for a month under 24 hour of light.
I would try Dr Greenthumb Iranian Autoflower. It stays in veg under 24 hour light....soon as it sees any darkness..bam..flowering starts. You would only need 2 good months of warm weather


Active Member
I live in southern alberta and i guerrilla sucessfully every year. iI start inside in March and have nice 24 inchers to transplant into pre ammended soil May 23.Got hailed out once and harvest sometime late Sept.Try it, it can be done with the right genitics!


Well-Known Member
kudos to you man thats awesome! i love hearing alberta sucess stories. what srains have worked for you? where did you get them?
I live in southern alberta and i guerrilla sucessfully every year. iI start inside in March and have nice 24 inchers to transplant into pre ammended soil May 23.Got hailed out once and harvest sometime late Sept.Try it, it can be done with the right genitics!


I just got myself some Pure Kush from Green House, it supposed to be ready for harvest end of september, so it's not too cold and not too humid.
I have harvested a few time for a friend, and it was late october, in Qc (cold & wet nights ) . I'm sure you can do it easily !


Active Member
I have had good luck with certain true autoflowers but for me Greenthumbs Iranian Autoflower is the strain i have had the best luck finishing . One of the phenos is kinda a dwarf but if you dont top they can be done in Aug. I like to top and grow monsters. It is possible to pull up to two lbs. with one plant.Not the best tasting ,to me but the yeild makes up for it.
ty all this helps a lot! BC you mentioned that I shouldn't try a guerilla grow? To clarify did you mean not to try growing in the bush from seed, or just not to try growing in the "bush " at all (By bush I mean the wild, the woods/ foot hills) ive heard people call growing in the bush in any way "guerilla growing" but others say its when you just toss bag seed around in the woods and hope to get lucky. anyone have any advice on hiding a crop from rippers (and other people) when picking a spot? I here pine trees have acids that fuck up plants ? all pine trees or??? Thanks again guys!

ps. If anyones wondering I live about 15 mins outside of calgary


Well-Known Member
yeah i meant in the bush were it cant be monitered. ive never grown in alberta but i work allover it. im not saying it cant be done, but my experience with alberta foothills is there is alot of factors to consider. For one, the unreliable weather patterns. if you remeber the huge snowfall this year on sept 7th or 8th. That would destroy a cannabis crop. Then theres the wildlife to worry about, deer love canabis! and so do gophers. Harvest season is also hunting season, so you'll have alot of that traffic out there. Then theres the oilfield traffic, there are so many surveyors out walking and quading all over. plus truckers who drive the same roads everyday. well operators driving the same routes. consultants driving around. loggers, tree planters, environmentalists. fish cops. campers and off roaders.


Well-Known Member
Im really not trying to discourage you but i want to make sure your aware of everything that goes on out there. I think everyone should try growing thier own, and i like to support anyone who tries.i just hate to see a huge effort go to waste if shit hit the fan. but yes pine needles are very acidic, they will have to be cleared from your holes. do you plan on bringing soil out or just amending the soil that is out there. Are you starting from seed or getting clones? are you planning a large plot, or small? small plots are obviously easier to hide.


Active Member
I stay out of the foothills because of earlier frost. i prefer the prairies,warmer with sparce traffic. Yes the snow broke some branches but didnt kill any of my country girls. The Iranian is a tough strain and easily can stand some sub zero weather.Where i live in S Alberta there are many great secluded areas to grow.Not many people around these parts,very low density population,location,location,location.