Outdoor journal


Well-Known Member
Hi, this is my first outdoor grow! Well, i grew 2 small plants last year. Feel free to comment.
These are way behind, i had to replant because somehow i forgot to water the ones i grew from seed. So im about 2 weeks behind schedule on these clones i bought. 3 of each Windy Dog, Animal Cookies, Gorilla Glue, and Cheesequake. To help the water from running everywhere i cut some #7 pots in half and sunk them into the ground.
The guy at the hydro shop sold me some top dress fertilizer to be applied every 2 weeks. The soil they are in is mostly old dirt from indoor grows plus i have chickens that shit in the garden so probably wont need a ton of fertilizers. So far they are looking good!20200607_154156.jpg
I think youll be surprised how good this turns out for you. I would love to do the same exact thing but my neighbors are soooo close.
And the top dress fertilizers are best. Should be able to get them for like 15$ for an 8 pound bag for a standard 5-5-5 grow or 3-7-4 bloom
Thanks people! Any ideas on an enclosure? The law is that if outdoors it must be enclosed on all sides.
I wouldnt worry too much cuz i have a privacy fence, however, im a mile from the airport where the county sheriiffs helicopter flies from and they fly low over my house almost daily, im talking altitudes less than 100 feet
Thanks people! Any ideas on an enclosure? The law is that if outdoors it must be enclosed on all sides.
I wouldnt worry too much cuz i have a privacy fence, however, im a mile from the airport where the county sheriiffs helicopter flies from and they fly low over my house almost daily, im talking altitudes less than 100 feet
If you have a fence around your entire yard, its enclosed. A lot of places the law reads that they "cant be visible without the use of ladders and or optic equipment." which is where the big issue comes in. 6-8' tall fences dont come cheap.

You are going to need a major trellis setup to support those girls when they get big. I see 6-10 footers in your future.
Yes i was thinking 4x4x10 every 8 feet surrounded by welded wire or rebar fence and the same for the top, also running a net over the tops at about 6 feet and another at 8 feet. The only problem with that is that i dont wanna cement the 4x4s in the ground because that is more or less permanent and id like something i could take down at the end of the season
About a month later, plants are much bigger. Ive topped them all. The plant at the front right got trampled by something; a kid, a deer, idk?
Im building the enclosure. Originally i was gonna cement 4x4 posts into ground, however, that is almost permanent and very difficult to remove, labor intensive, and expensive. The solution: i bought 1/2" 10 foot metal electrical conduit and cemented them into 1/2 cinder blocks. From there i will zip tie welded wire fence and string up several layers of netting, starting at about 5 feet. Its been in the 90s with no rain for the last week so im having to hand water.
Pic was taken at dusk so not great quality20200707_213725.jpg
Yesterday i thinned the plants, put up the first layer of netting, and started putting down a weed barrier. Will start putting a fence around the garden in a few days. So far the girls are looking good.
Last year i made the mistake of not thinning or trellising anything and it got out of hand. Womt make the same mistake twice!20200714_154838.jpg
I might slide that first layer down a bit and spread them out into the trellis if I was you... You can always add several more layers if you need to. But looking good.
Just starting to see flowers forming, ive been top dressing every week with 1/2 cup of 2-14-2 organic fertilzer and watering 2x a week as a precaution as its been rainless almost all summer, though the plants dont appear to be water stressee.Leaves are nice and green, havent seen any pests or PM *yet*, last year my outdoor was overcome by PM but by this time last year i was already fighting it so i have high hopes!20200823_155659.jpg


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Update, I've cut the windy dog down, averaged about a lb per plant. Still have the GG, Animal Cookies, and Cheesquake, all lookin like they are gonna go another week. Nice surprise was the animal cookies is turning purple, it started in the buds and. Ow the leaves are totally purple, buds are purple and dripping with resin!20201008_143818.jpg20201008_143803.jpg20201008_143811.jpg20201001_182607.jpg20200923_154315.jpg