Outdoor Light Cycle. When will the plants flower? Does it matter?


Active Member
I am gonna start a new harvest this week and since I have a closed garden (you can't see it from the outside :D) and my electricity bills are insane even when not growing (300+ dollars a month...), I am wondering about outdoor light cycles and flowering...After hours of gooling, I've read different takes on this. Some people say the plant will "adapt" and flower in a few months, just like indoors and others say it will be in veggie state until the light cycle changes to 12/12. So which one is it?

Could I get some tips? I am in Mexico and I am currently getting about 11 hours of sun. I won't be putting the plants directly in the garden's soil. I wil be using pots, is this ok? Can I grow the plants outside until they are big enough to start flowering and then move them inside and change from outdoors lighting to 12/12 artificial lighting? Can you recommend any good products to fight all the nasty insects that wanna feast on my plants?

Also, random off-topic question; is there some kind of solar energy device with solar panels that can sit outside and output energy to a standard power outlet? Free indoors growing :D

Thanks! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
you need atleast 14.5 hrs light, or you could inturupt there sleep by shining some 5000k cfls on em, to keep em vegging anything lower than 14 hrs can flower


Well-Known Member
they didnt approve the rep up. wack lol , anyway you could spray some neem oil on em for a prevenitive for bugs and yes pots are absolutely Ok just make sure you have enough room for the roots to grow . and yes you can grow outside and flower indoor


Active Member
they didnt approve the rep up. wack lol , anyway you could spray some neem oil on em for a prevenitive for bugs and yes pots are absolutely Ok just make sure you have enough room for the roots to grow . and yes you can grow outside and flower indoor
Thanks man! :D