Outdoor light problem?


Well-Known Member
My female outdoor should be flowering anytime soon but when I went there at dark to check it out, I could see these street lights at a pretty far distance (about 200+ft away) radiating light in the general area around the grow site but not directly onto the plant, except for part of a fan leaf. The grow area isn't completely dark and on one of my fan leaves there is a small amount of light leaking onto it, not visible unless you get close to my plant. I've heard that you do not need 100% darkness to flower as long as you have good patterns in the light and dark cycles even if it's slightly dim, but I know that if it's too light, it'll stay in veg... Should I be worrying about this? I'm afraid she'll hermie or the yield will be affected.

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Active Member
If its going to hermie the damage is done, but if the light is comparable to moonlight you could be fine, im no expert but have had plants go male/hermie due to light leaks, it would have to be lighting up the plant pretty good at night to keep it in veg i would think, if its in a pot move it, if not hope for the best.
location, location, location, this could have been avoided, personally i would not guirilla grow anywhere within miles of paved roads.


Well-Known Member
If you're 200 ft. from a lamp post, I think the light is the least of your problems! If you're that close to "civilisation", some dumb ass kids are bound to have seen your plant - who told thier freinds - who told thier freinds - etc.


Well-Known Member
If you're 200 ft. from a lamp post, I think the light is the least of your problems! If you're that close to "civilisation", some dumb ass kids are bound to have seen your plant - who told thier freinds - who told thier freinds - etc.
There's always that possibility, but the spot I'm posted up at is pretty good actually. No one should wander about there unless you really have nothing better to do hah. Any other opinions people? The light isn't bright enough to see the plant, just the outline of it. Even with my face up to the plant, I don't see it, and it droops at night, which means it's sleeping right?