Could be excess nitrogen related, but if it's a haze dominant plant, it might be channeling an equatorial ancestor and will get giant in veg and about half way thru flower before frost or snow kills it.
Reminds me of a giant supposed "Nepali Sativa" plant grown in the bush one year, fucker got about a million feet tall and a million feet wide, then refused to flower until after everything else was dried and jarred. One reason to grow a few different strains outside is to see which ones handle mold better and cooperate on the flowering time.
Since you're in movable pots, maybe build or buy a mini greenhouse before the real cold sets in. Or if that's not a possibility devise a way to move them to shelter at night, since daytime lows in October aren't likely to kill them, but the night time lows will. If you get into November, maybe try rosary beads or human sacrifices. Good luck.
Do you have a link to this Nepali Sativa story/photos? Sounds very interesting.