Outdoor Nutrients

Whats up people I'm in the middle of an outdoor grow. Im about a month in, and am ready to stock up and spoil the plants with some nutes. I'm wondering what would be my best bet. Price is not an issue here so if it is good stuff, tell me! I'm leaning towards the AN line of nutes but I would like to hear what you have to say. Remember this is for outdoor plants! Thanks! :blsmoke:


Active Member
Well I do know that if you use foxfarm Tiger bloom, that is used to induce flowering. After a few weeks or so get foxfarm Big Bloom. Remember always start half dose, then work your way up.

ya I'm gonna go with you guys on the FF. I think thats the best plus Im already using FF Ocean Forest for the soil. thanks yalll

I'm also lookin for suggestions as far as specific ferts for veg because I am very far away from flower and really want to see what these suckers got!


Active Member
No way, I have heard fox farm is decent but no where near the best. If you got the money then buy Advanced nutrients, or if you'd rather go cheaper then buy somethin like fox farms. I personally went with Flora Nova cause its really cheap, but its very very thick so i mixed all of it with 2 parts of water. Conniseur by Advanced Nutrients is supposed to be some fire, also Sensi Grow a/b and Sensi Bloom a/b. One thing you should try to get is a root booster like Voodoo juice and some sort of beneficial bacteria especially Mychorrhiaze and Humic acids which is in Trantula and Piranha. If you can afford all of those, get them. Another thing you should buy is Bud Candy to add carbohydrates and sugar to make your buds sweet and aromatic. Also buy a bloom booster like Big Bud. To top it off you should buy a Flushing agent like Final Phase, or a cheaper one like Flora Kleen, either one will work. If you really want some tasty dank and are not so worried about yield, then you could go with a complete organic line up, Iguana juice by AN works great i heard but its super fuckin expensive and you could go with Botanicare pure blend grow and bloom for less than half the price, or Biothrive by General hydroponics. A good organic line up would be Iguana Juice or Botanicare, Piranha, Tarantula, Nirvana, and Bud Candy. You can also add organic household shit for dirt cheap, like molasses which is great for adding sugars and carboyhydrates, I mixed mine with half water and boiled it over the stove to make more water soluable. And today i went to the park and collected about 5 pounds of geese shit, i'm gonna let it dry out and brew it into a tea, check it outView attachment 959361


Active Member
Here is my line up, with 15 gallon holes, compost, potting mix, vermiculite, perlite, worm castings. Any ideas what else i could use, i thought this was a pretty complete set up, thinking about getting some smart pots not sure tho


Active Member
yeaahh i am bout to get some earth juice too, i only have pints of Flora Nova and i have 6 plants so that proley wont last
