Outdoor Nutrients

haha dont use that.
fyi: you use it once to try and induce flowering, along with less light. but marijuana really likes higher N & K for veg. and i would also use something with more P and less N & K for flowering.

for example i use MG plant food 24-6-18 for veg and then shultz rose food 18-24-24 for flowering. i do own a bloom booster 10-54-10 but i have only used it once.
i just bought some dutch nutrient formula bloom a and b mix with the bloom booster 10-50-10 and we will see how it goes. the MG locked out a few of my plants and now i have to flush them, once I do that im switching to DNF grow A and B mix with veg booster 12-40-12 hopefully that wont lock out the nutes from the plant or burn them MG is ok if you have nothing else
I wouldn't use MG. I've used it for years gardening and I'm quite convinced it's poison. It's overly processed, packaged for convenience. Of late I'm been using fish emulsion, Espoma slow release fertilizers, composted grass clippings, peat moss and cow manure. All those things work better than MG. Watered down urine over the compost is another secret weapon. Best nitrogen supply around and you don't have to drive over and pay someone for it. Pee is hot so becareful with 1st of the day.
I dunno, I have found that you really don't need to spend a whole lotta money to get good results. I believe that as growers, we often trivialize the process of the grow cycle by worrying about what we want to feed the plant rather than what the plants really need. I say this keeping in mind that the plant only know if it is or isn't receiving the proper NPK and other nutrients....... it doesn't care about brand or none of that. With that being said, Fox Farm has a fine line of products, but you are smart to look for cheaper alternatives when growing outdoors. You can easily find a wide range of products that will serve various functions for cheap and in some cases free. Fish emulsion, seed meal, various kinds of lime, bone meal, rock phosphate, kelp meal, manures. All very cheap.

Organic Fertilizer Recipe

Mix uniformly, in parts by volume:
4 parts seed meal*
1/4 part ordinary agricultural lime, best finely ground
1/4 part gypsum (or double the agricultural lime)
1/2 part dolomitic lime
1/2 inch layer of steer manure or finished compost

Plus, for best results:
1 part bone meal, rock phosphate or high-phosphate guano
1/2 to 1 part kelp meal (or 1 part basalt dust)

*For a more sustainable and less expensive option, you can substitute chemical-free grass clippings for the seed meal, although clippings will not provoke the same strong growth response.

All of this is organic and works great for outdoor growing. You can make your own as your conditions deem necessary. Best of luck !
I wouldn't use MG. I've used it for years gardening and I'm quite convinced it's poison. It's overly processed, packaged for convenience. Of late I'm been using fish emulsion, Espoma slow release fertilizers, composted grass clippings, peat moss and cow manure. All those things work better than MG. Watered down urine over the compost is another secret weapon. Best nitrogen supply around and you don't have to drive over and pay someone for it. Pee is hot so becareful with 1st of the day.

Well my plant seems to be doing fine with it so that's all I really care about. I don't really have the time, patience, materials, or motivation to mess with all that organic stuff at this time so i am happy with my convenient fertilizers for the time being, as long as they are working alright :)
I did end up buying some FF Tiger Bloom to use. Does anyone know what kind of dosage I should use? It says 3 tsp. per gallon but that seems so little. Is that a strong enough dosage for a plant this big?
Most the time spent is waiting for things to break down because nothing is better than compost. Add some fish emulsion to compost or kelp meal. Composting isn't a lot of work. Get a plastic trash can and drill holes through it and dump kitchen waste, stir or tumble often, side dress. Then you'll be adding trace nutrients if you eat a wide variety of vegetables.
Most the time spent is waiting for things to break down because nothing is better than compost. Add some fish emulsion to compost or kelp meal. Composting isn't a lot of work. Get a plastic trash can and drill holes through it and dump kitchen waste, stir or tumble often, side dress. Then you'll be adding trace nutrients if you eat a wide variety of vegetables.

Yeah i would love to try that out sometime, stop filling up the dumps with useful material. Probably wont get to it this season but maybe by next season i will be able to try it out. Just curious, where do you get the kelp meal/fish emulsion and all that stuff? I have never seen it anywhere.
I wouldn't use MG. I've used it for years gardening and I'm quite convinced it's poison. It's overly processed, packaged for convenience. Of late I'm been using fish emulsion, Espoma slow release fertilizers, composted grass clippings, peat moss and cow manure. All those things work better than MG. Watered down urine over the compost is another secret weapon. Best nitrogen supply around and you don't have to drive over and pay someone for it. Pee is hot so becareful with 1st of the day.

I got some organic fruit and vegtable stuff npk -4-3-5 plus 1% calcium. Its all natural stuff. But i want more NPK You say urine is full of nitrogen ? can you please explain to me how to apply Urine?
I got some organic fruit and vegtable stuff npk -4-3-5 plus 1% calcium. Its all natural stuff. But i want more NPK You say urine is full of nitrogen ? can you please explain to me how to apply Urine?

You water it down quite a bit... and pour..
Urine is not something you want to just pour at the base of your plants. That can result in instant burn and death. I compost mine 1st with grass clippings and leaves or peat moss. Even then I water it down to 1 pee to a gallon of water. I've poured it around plants but the idea is slow release and my plants get thick mulch so there is considerable less impact. Yes urine has like a reading of 50-0-0 if it was only nitrogen. It's hot, watch the dogs burn the grass then that grass comes back thick.

I get fish emulsion at Home Depot. I get kelp like products made by Espoma at Home Depot or nurseries. Hunt around. Your area may even sell some exotic compost. We have lobster compost here plus other fish, crab based composts.

There are other things like cow manure, horse manure, and even chicken manure. Becareful with the latter it can really burn and needs to be composted completely. Even then i'd mix that stuff with other things.

Good luck I should add to your garden!
Ok so basically jus piss on the compost pile and use soil from the compost next year. (i am jus starting the compost pile now) I has soil, leaves, plant clippings, grass clipping and im guna keep adding. Take that nice hot piss each morning on it .
Found a dead mouse in the yard.. Jus threw it on the pile.. should i like contain the pile with the containter?? sorta dig it in the ground or somthing?
oh sorry for the misinformation then, i was just reading a post awhile back about using pee and the guy was saying to just dilute and use. I guess i should know by now not to believe everything you hear lol. But back to my Tiger Bloom question can anyone help me with it?
Basically but be sure to turn compost over. It needs to be aerated. If it's not aerated it can smell. Anaerobic bacteria is not pleasant. Compost is basically brown matter and green matter...put it together and you get black gold. A lot of fertilizers like MG use animal urea. When then they're feeding the cows and such they collect it. Their urine is probably worse than human urine because they're on hormones and other things. I know I take no drugs what so ever. I drink lots of juice too. Eat cereal and you add even more ingredients. Urine is like anything else it's got to be blended and broken down in a well ventilated compost pile.

Even adding too much horse manure can be bad because it's high in sodium.

I can't remember if I mentioned it but green manures are even superior. Not sure where you live or the climate but where I live one of the best things to do in the fall is to plant a covercrop like winter rye. There are numerous cover crops for different areas or needs. They are more work unless you rent or have a rototiller but they really loosen up the soil, encourage the good stuff to dwell there and add a lot of organic matter to the soil after it's under. Beans and legumes are great to plant on a site you plan to grow on the following year. They fill the soil with nitrogen snatching it from the air.
Leave animal matter, feces, meat etc from your compost. They will attract animals and could make you sick. I know there is a person on this site who composts animal matter. I'd avoid it as would most. Besides that mouse is going to stink and bring on maggots. Say no to maggots.
shit eh.... Thanks bro for the info ima leave mouse but thats it ill only throw nice greens on there. And is it ok to throw like say noodles or some shit on there like left over food from dinner sorta shit?