Whats being easy like 1 tbspoon for how much water?? and can u do the same with sugar?Molasses works great all the way through even in veg....just be easy with it
Molasses works great all the way through even in veg....just be easy with it. Id say hit up a local feed store you can get a 5 gal bucket for 20 bucks much better then $8 for 20 oz. Molasses comes unsulphured so aslong as it dosnt say its sulphured its good 2 go.
ok. You have used it beffore and had good results?3.78 liters per gallon and id use it twice a week
In other words this woman *TWS* likes her bud salty and rough on the exhale. Lol Seriously you grew that shit with MG all the way with out balancing that shit?!?!? If I were you I would be flushing a little extra. I would NEVER use MG all the way.