Outdoor Nutrients

I have heard from someone else on here that it is pointless to use molassas if your using chemical nutes, is this true to anyones knowledge. I have all ready bought the molassas and tiger bloom, and am deffinatly using the tiger bloom, so would it hurt to try out the molassas anyways?\

good question as I'm curious too ! :leaf:
I cant see why it would be pointless to use the two together that just dosnt make any sense to me. Molasses does a ton of good things for you. Food for your micro biology, carbs and prolly a ton of other things. I would highly recommend using molasses. What are you growing in? Not that it really matter im just curious I use molasses in promix indoor and in my soil outdoor.
I cant see why it would be pointless to use the two together that just dosnt make any sense to me. Molasses does a ton of good things for you. Food for your micro biology, carbs and prolly a ton of other things. I would highly recommend using molasses. What are you growing in? Not that it really matter im just curious I use molasses in promix indoor and in my soil outdoor.

There are pictures of my plant earlier in the thread.. They are outside in the ground. And supposedly the chemical nutrients kill the beneficial micro organisms in the soil therefore leaving no benefit to using them together. That is what I was told at least, hence the reason I asked.
Lol today i was looking at the MG box and it says to only use 1 tablespoon per gallon! Last time i applied it about a week ago I mixed 5 tsp's (about 1.7 tbsp) into only a 32 oz propel bottle! Why did my plant not burn at all with such a strong dose?
Lol today i was looking at the MG box and it says to only use 1 tablespoon per gallon! Last time i applied it about a week ago I mixed 5 tsp's (about 1.7 tbsp) into only a 32 oz propel bottle! Why did my plant not burn at all with such a strong dose?
You got blessed, that's a serious overdose of that stuff. I've burned my plants using th 20-20-20 MG by adding 2 tbsp. to a gallon. I would be very careful not to do that again lol.
switch to miracle gro bloom booster...15-30-15....thats what u need for flowering right now.....fox farm is just a fancy name....read up whats in it and then find something way cheaper at home depot or even wal-mart.......
I usually never even feed my plants with anything.... Is that bad? lol i wana learn more about natural fertalizers, I started a compost pile.
i have nothing to say about miracle grow 24-8-16 that is negative... you can burn the shit out of your babies OVERNIGHT... thats not really neg. to say just a fact. be cautious. start with less than is recommended on the label and keep an eye on your leaf tips for signs of burn... they should be pretty and green not brown and dead. i grow in soil from my yard mixed with compost from my compost bucket and coconut husk chunks that grow everywhere here. the 5 pounds of mg i got last year seems like a lifetime supply. i would say ive used less than 2 tbsp per plant for the entire veg. for flower i found some kind of bloom booster for orchids 11-35-15 with no urea. dont forget to flush. i flush once in the middle of my veg... bout 6 weeks in ...then again before i flower ...then again about 2 weeks before harvest. then again what the hell do i know... i use urine to feed my veggies... and use old dried up cow flops in my compost bucket. horray for the ghetto gardener!
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haha, I piss in the Garden too. It's my Experiment on free fertlizer. LOL I think they like the beer. :leaf:

I'm gonna get some Orchid bloom. I like those numbers. Thanks
take 2 multi vites ... and viola theres your trace minerals
piss has to be cut with 5- 10 parts h2o ... use it fresh too... dont want too much ammonia to build up
let it ferment for a few days and use it straight as a weed killer (only BAD weeds though)
people have been doing this for ages and ages
Add your disclaimer to pee, it's way more nitrogen rich than miracle grow. You might want to call that 1st of the day when you've been eating Total Breakfast Cereal everyday "Miracle Burn". Always compost pee first. turn that compost over and then side dress your plants when the compost is finished.
to be honest i dont use it on my girls... but my tomatos (i have 18 bushes and vines... i love tomatos) seem to do pretty well on it. pretty hard to poison tomatos with nutes though. my peppers are more fickle with their feeding and for them a little goes a long way. i didnt mean to imply that i do this everyday... like EVERYTHING else the devil is in the dosage.
haha ! ahh piss on it ! Hey Peppers are finicky. It took me awhile to get ours going in the same soil the tomatoes are growing in.