outdoor odor


Well-Known Member
1 plant is not that bad. I have had 30-40 on a belcony in the city. With little plastic flowers on them.. No one ever noticed....


Well-Known Member
i had 20 really stinky white rhinos in one patch a few years ago...could only smell them from about 15 feet away, maybe if you were downwind you could catch wiffs from a hundred feet, but one plant wont smell unless you stick your head right up too it, and many strains don't smell that much, thanks to the northern lights influence.


Well-Known Member
holy christ! those two guys are gonna be happy campers in fall, whats the story with that pic?


Well-Known Member
I have been looking up Monster Growing!!!!!!!
If they can grow vegetables the size of small car's.
Why can't I grow Maple Tree sized Bud's............