Outdoor plant-time to harvest?


Active Member
I've one growing outdoor. Low overnight temps. 34-38 and windy. Is it time to harvest or let it go another week with warmer temps in the forecast?1570897143170981559547051857708.jpg15708972188716728046576456082604.jpg15708972188716728046576456082604.jpg1570897270548731334530480839145.jpg15708973086308427005071774638257.jpg
Nice job on her. If you are expecting warmer weather I would let it ride. However I am also really paranoid about botrytis living in Oregon; September was unusually wet this year. I would only grow an auto outside just for something fun on the deck.
Had some frost in open areas last night. This girl is growing surrounded by bushes. With lows in the forties for the next 5 days should I let go or chop?