Outdoor plants and hydrogaurd


Well-Known Member
image.jpg I'm currently having root issues with my outdoor plants . I've never had to fight this before but in years past I had pots that ventilated the roots much better than my holes . Bad drainage and now I'm battling root problems really bad . I've used fungicide and now ordered " hydrogaurd " . I was hoping someone can tell help me out and let me know if they have ever used this product successfully for outdoor plants that have early stages of root rot or root issues in general . Please help me as you can see I'm losing my babies very quickly and I'm afraid of my entire crop going . I have sick and healthy plants as u can see . Any suggestions would be much appreciated .


CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
Are the problems caused by over watering? If you are watering at the same frequency and duration as you would if they were in pots then they will rot for sure.

Roots don't need ventilation, they hate ventilation. They need a regular gas exchange and soil with pores that are not saturated with water.


Well-Known Member
I'm watering 5 gal 3x a week unless it's really hot than I hit it daily . All plants received same feeding cycle and water cycle . Always watering early in the morning . I just don't understand why a few plants are dying and they all have had same watering . I used pure blend liquid karma a tea and met 52 pesticide for mites . I know with my pots I had to water more often than I did with Holes and I always use water meters to make sure they need watering. Oh running around 8


Well-Known Member
I'm completely lost on what the problem is . I have about 5 years experience and I know I have a lot to learn still . This is my first year dealing with this and it's very frustrating . I appreciate the reply

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
5 gallons is not that much for a big plant. It can burn through that in a day if it's hot. What makes you so sure that the rots are rotting?


Well-Known Member
There's a black ring at base of plant to go along with yellowing leafs dropping and than death . Plants showing signs of nutrient lock out and isn't drinking water . One of my plants that died I thought I was under watering so I gave it good soak and nothing . If the plants are thirsty they normally will bounce back within 30 mins of a watering session . These sick ones never bounce back . I sprayed consistently for mites and I also scoped a bunch of the leafs . My only conclusion was bad drainage which led to sick roots . I'm very confident it's not under or over watered especially since I always check my water meter

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
If you dig a hole and back fill the hole with amended soil sometimes the hole will act like a pot with no holes in the bottom. Water will collect and not drain down resulting in root rot.

You can poke a opening in the bottom of the hole you've dug. If water is collecting that should help it to drain away. You might need a few holes to truly help. T-posts work very well as a hole puncher.


Well-Known Member
Thank you I will go out and try that right now . I thought about doing that but was worried about root damage . At this point I need to try something though . I really do appreciate you helping me out as well . I'm pretty stressed out with all this and I hope I get it under control

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
If your roots are damaged then it would be a good idea to prune your plant some. If you've lost roots then it is important that the above ground part of the plant not be out of balance with the roots.

A good place to prune would be take off some of the lower branches. They will eventually droop to the ground anyway and be a problem.