Outdoor plants flowered early


Active Member
My friend put her plants out side for some free sunlight but two of them are starting to flower the great white and the casey jones. Can she reveg them or what would happen if she leave it out. Were gettin 12.5 but its gettin longer every day in the valley of norcal some one said that it would still flower even though the days are getting longer but i doubt it. but they do look sexy though


Well-Known Member
They will reveg she might as well leave them out now. Watch them and she will have nice colas at the end of the season. Good Luck dirrtyd


Active Member
should she cover them when we start to get more sunlight or what??
Noooooo , Then ull have to do that every single day until harvest...Let them alone , lol the sun will do the rest they will go back to vegetive state of growth once they relize the sun is out longer , then they will make new buds when the sun starts goin back to 12/12 again ...get it?

How long have they been outside now? as long as they arent like flowering past 4-5 weeks then i agree with dirtyd.


Active Member
I think one been out there for a month but little bud growth a northern lights but the others only 6 days but she wants to actually flower one of them i told her that it wouldnt work because my white widow didnt bloom right outside this early