Outdoor plants flowering. Should I worry about the smell?


Active Member
Just went out to top some plants I have been growing outdoors and they are flowering. It is the season for them here in Colorado, but was thinking I had another week or two.

Anyway, should I be concerned about the smell? There are only two of them. The strain is unknown, I got them as clones from a friend and didn't trust them around my other plants, so put them outside.
They doubled in size this last week, should have known they were going to start.

Wish I had my greenhouse finished, but been way to hot.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
if you are worried about it, plant some strong smelling flowers or other plants like garlic......but I wouldn't worry about it


Well-Known Member
I've been worried about the same things.. What can I do to keep the deer away? The actually topped 2 of my plants for me..ha guess they liked the new growth. Anyways, I've tried onions,garlic, soap, hot pepper seeds soaked in water and sprayed around the plants. My neighbor even has a timed feeder and it doesn't keep them away.. I thought that by being fed corn and all the fruit they can stand from our fruit trees that they'd stay away from my babies..Any suggestions?? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Haha...Some days, when it's hot out and the wind is blowing right, I smell my plants driving down the road to my house...lol


Well-Known Member
I've been worried about the same things.. What can I do to keep the deer away? The actually topped 2 of my plants for me..ha guess they liked the new growth. Anyways, I've tried onions,garlic, soap, hot pepper seeds soaked in water and sprayed around the plants. My neighbor even has a timed feeder and it doesn't keep them away.. I thought that by being fed corn and all the fruit they can stand from our fruit trees that they'd stay away from my babies..Any suggestions?? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
pee around your grow area


Well-Known Member
and smell i had a neighbor from one house over ask me what strains i grew once i was like umm what?
he could smell my indoor >.<


Well-Known Member
I've tried everything from mint, marigolds, deer-b-gone, my piss, walked my dogs around my grow area, human hair, soap, laundry detergent, fishing line, soda can with pennies in them tied to fishing line.. literally everything. I'm worried that once they are in full bloom that the deer will want to catch a buzz..ha. We'll see I guess.


Well-Known Member
are you able to catch them there ? a airsoft gun might do the trick if you can get the drop on em
you could check youtube for improvised airsoft pellets in a shotgun shell
if there comfortable then they'll keep coming


Well-Known Member
made a half hearted outdoor attempt this year, no dice, but got me thinking about outdoor smell
walking down some local areas, i smell citronella candles, used for mosquito's
pretty effective odor, cheap and easy
I had the same problem with my two. I grew in pots speriment and jasmine. I run my fingers through the branches and the smell pours out.
Shit buy or plant some lilies outside, one lily from my garden will stinky up my whole first story of my house, granted my house is on the smaller side but i water my plants in my bathtub and i can smell the the single lilly over my 3 plants.
are you able to catch them there ? a airsoft gun might do the trick if you can get the drop on em
you could check youtube for improvised airsoft pellets in a shotgun shell
if there comfortable then they'll keep coming
Rock salt in a shell works really well with animals.


Well-Known Member
I was riding through the neighborhood the other day and I could smell the tell tale scent of someone growing. I was a little worried that it was coming from my house, fortunately we had a get together and had about 50 people at my place, I asked a couple (my immediate family) and they could not smell anything until I sparked up a :joint:

There is someone either without a good filter or an outdoor grow going somewhere near by though :)

Sire Killem All

Well-Known Member
I've been worried about the same things.. What can I do to keep the deer away? The actually topped 2 of my plants for me..ha guess they liked the new growth. Anyways, I've tried onions,garlic, soap, hot pepper seeds soaked in water and sprayed around the plants. My neighbor even has a timed feeder and it doesn't keep them away.. I thought that by being fed corn and all the fruit they can stand from our fruit trees that they'd stay away from my babies..Any suggestions?? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
my uncle runs a piece of of lashing wire to post around 3-4' high around the whole garden then put a block battery on it<cant remember the voltage but it the kind from old big flashlights>. home made electric fence.


Well-Known Member
about Lilies and Pop The Trunk's post, Lillies are interesting, apparently there are some very smelly Lillies that flower well into fall
getting the right ones is a work in progress for me, haven't found any stinky ones yet


Well-Known Member
Their is a product called night eyes , it's a solar powered set of red glowing eyes , that does well kepping most animals away for a short time. the animals will eventualy learn the 'eyes' are nothing to be afraid of , then you will have to move them to a different location


Venison is delicous by the way


Well-Known Member
if you have a dog, feed it meat, and then wait for it to poop, take the poop and spread it by where you grow, the deer will be able to tell it came from a carnivore