Sunrise: 7:06 AM. Sunset: 8:02 PM is the current light cycle here.. ... so it's still almost 13 hours.
I just topped my 5 plants with a whole bag of 1-10-whatever guano.... i'll probably do that one more time at the end of the month, plus feed them directly one time, with molasses added to every watering. We've been getting decent amounts of rain luckily.
The good news is that in this crop, i got 5 females and only 2 males. one plant was lost to animals. One of the plants was a femenized ww seed though, lol. so 4 females for 2 males in the bagseed group. I can't complain!
This crop was basically just guriellia grow practice, so i didn't dedicate much efffort into nutes/genetics.
I'll throw some pics up soon. They're up to my neck in heighth at the begining of flowering, and i didn't put them in dirt unitl the begining of july!!!