Outdoor Prep Help

When digging holes, remember wide is more important than deep. 18 inches is plenty deep. There are pictures on RIU somewhere of T-Dubs kiddie pool grow. That is only about 9-10 inches deep and he pulled over a pound.

If there are any mushroom farms near you, the compost will be real cheap. Here it's 15 bucks for a Bobcat scoop. Needs to sit a while, but really good compost to add to the mix.

Good luck.

Yeah deep isn’t a big deal at all in fact the depth of the business end of a good old #2 shovel is plenty. Say 8 to 10 inches deep and at least 4 foot wide. Shred cardboard some green waste and manure I use horse and bunny blend into the soil as you backfill the hole and you’re good to go.
1 of the skywalkers i put out. Down to 3 of 5 in the field. Guessing something ate 2. Prolly deer. Anothet round of moth balls going out tomorrow. Rain dissolved them pretty quick. Got a couple cloves of garlic going out too.

1 white chem looks like it's gonna die. So I bought a 7 pack of samaquatch og and a 7 pack of chemdogging. Gonna start doing 2 plants per hole. Think they are rather big for a single auto.

Couple shots of the bigger skywalker. Prolly gonna have some flowers on this one soon.

