Outdoor product


Active Member
Read that outdoor grown product is mild as compared to indoor grown. Is that true? I know there is much conflicting info available and I just came across that. Just wondering.


Well-Known Member
IMO .. With well grown outdoor, You get a much more rich smoke (THC, CBD, Terpines) from healthier, stronger plants.
Indoor looks pretty, looks frosty but artificial light cannot match the sun.
One thing is for sure about indoor.. it costs a shitload more to produce!!


Well-Known Member
Petert. Good points, thanks.
Anytime.. I don’t claim to know everything or be the best grower, but I’ve learned from trial and error.. I’ve grown pretty much every way there is to grow and I’m totally sold on light dep. I have a 16 x 26 dep hoop house inside my 30x48 greenhouse.

I used to have one BIG harvest in October and it’s always a PITA to find people to help harvest and trim. Now I have 3 manageable harvests. One in June, one in August and the 3rd in October.

I still grow outdoor, but after Sept 15th or so our weather in north central Oregon isn’t as reliable June-Sept. So I cover my outdoor plants with pvc and greenhouse plastic.


Active Member
First grow harvested Halloween, was single plant grown inside tent.Second, 2 clones from first should be ready for harvest 3-4 weeks from what I see. Third grow 3 clones and a Stardawg seed vegging nicely now, should max out tent. Planning on preparing grow via seeds and clones for outside. Would like between 10-12 plants, some growing too tall for tent. Just want the outside planting right for a successful Massachusetts grow.


Well-Known Member
You’re mostly going to be concerned with rain after mid-late August. Nice thing about “rainy” Oregon is that in my area we basically don’t get any rain from Mid June -Mid Sept.
I’d look for faster finishers like Northern Lights some that finishes late Sept -early Oct.
I’ve tented over 10+ foot tall plants before. Better to be safe than lose a 3-5 lb plant to mold.


Active Member
You’re mostly going to be concerned with rain after mid-late August. Nice thing about “rainy” Oregon is that in my area we basically don’t get any rain from Mid June -Mid Sept.
I’d look for faster finishers like Northern Lights some that finishes late Sept -early Oct.
I’ve tented over 10+ foot tall plants before. Better to be safe than lose a 3-5 lb plant to mold.

Would love to have some sort of greenhouse, unfortunately impractical in current situation. Will have to do my best with the grow in the elements. Not sure how big my strains will grow, will research before committing small height plants outside where they can be well suited for indoor tent. Plan on GG#4, GSC, and Kings Kush. Other seeds on hand J.Herrer , No. Lights and Cheese.