Outdoor Rain Problems


I live in southwest florida and i have a little seedling in a pot and it rains alot its supposed to rain everday this week. So im wondering will all this rain kill my plant.

Dr. Greenthum

Well-Known Member
yes it could...try to bring it inside when you can...overwatering can kill the plant and also give you root rot.
yea keep it under a cfl light even if its low in wattage something is better than nothing even though it would be better to use high wattage bulbs but that should do while its still raining then take it outside once the hot sun of Florida comes out.


Well-Known Member
If its in a pot, yeah. If its in the ground i wouldnt be too concerned unless you have poor drainage. Half of mine are in the ground and I also have had 2 weeks of mostly rainy weather...My girls are thriving.

Covering it will work, but idealy you want to bring any potted plant inside at least half the time with that kind of rain as the soil will still pick up the moisture and may cause root rot.