Outdoor Scrog?

josh b

Well-Known Member
Hi all

Wondering if anyone has ever done an outdoor scrog and got any picture's?,because i want to do this with a few of my plant's and make a small chicken wire dome for them to grow into.




Well-Known Member
ive never done it but for sure you can. but to be truthfull scrogging outdoors takes some of the purpose out of the scrog. with a scrog you use that system so all bud sites get the same amount of light. outdoors the sun is just as powerfull 4' down as it is at the top. you get what i mean. if you want to get more sun to the bud sites tie your plants down the will produce well. ive scrogged many times indoors only becouse i was using 250hps lights that way the whole canopy gets the same light outdoors this is not needed. even so ive heard of people doing it for some reason or another of their own.

josh b

Well-Known Member
Ooh ok then i diddnr kno that lol i just wanted some small bushe's,but ill just tie them down then yea?