Outdoor security question!


Hey RIU, I live in southern cali and in the suburbs so I have tons of neighbors and my backyard is off of a mainroad, I'm legal so my main concern is for rippers. I was wondering if I should get some dummy security cameras only like 30$ each to scare off the rippers or just invest a little more money and get the real deal. Obviously I don't think I would be able to report it if something were to happen but just too know who did it and having the possible chance of retrieving my harvest back. I'm not too worried about it because I literally haven't told a soul but RIU, but the smell. What do you guys think I should do? I always have a couple little ankle biters that go crazy when someone is in the backyard so I would know if someone was back there or not but for the nights when I'm out partying in what not.
dont use cameras, that may just bring unwanted attention(hey that guy has cameras, must has something valuable hes protecting). Your best bet for the money are motion detection lights, BRIGHT ONES!. Those will detour most people
My sheppard always let's me know when something is out of place. So I'm gonna say a german sheppard a nice tent set up and a cell to call the police on the tresspasser ur dog is fucking up. Since ur legal don't worry about po po, cause u r reporting a tresspasser. Warning signs about ur dog and tresspassing are a good idea 2. That's what I did, luckily no issues.
Somebody being there during flowering is the only sure way.
And driveway alarms are cheap & you can put them anywhere & they work really well!

Cameras are great. I wouldn't get dummy's though. I would want to see the tape to identify the mother fucker trying to rob me. And print a pic of the bastard and tape it to my dashboard. Other than that dogs and a rifle and/or shotgun. Both are very easy to obtain in Cali. ;)
I wish I could get a pitbull I really do, that would probably be the best security but my dad thinks it will kill our little ones lol.. which he is totally wrong but whatever. I might just set up booby traps around my one back wall it's about a 15ft. wall on the other side you hop down because of the elevation
Living on a main road in la area and adding plants to your backyard.... Ya maybe some holly water to keep the sinners away?
Fuck that man I wouldnt do it.
Living on a main road in la area and adding plants to your backyard.... Ya maybe some holly water to keep the sinners away?
Fuck that man I wouldnt do it.
I'll take my chances. It's not exactly la it's more in the desert area of la county not as many people and my house is off a main road to a dead end so not too many people come by, plus my dogs will warn me if someone is there and either me or my dad will wake up and run out there with a stun gun or some shit lol.