outdoor security?


Well-Known Member
what tricks or tips do you have for outdoor security. I generally grow indoors and am new to outdoors this season.

any tricks to let you know if anyone is or was at your plots?

Fishing string tied across the area, solar powered security cameras or any other fun stuff?

Im more scared of teh outdoors and security then indoors lol.

It wont be on my property, it is ina swampy area.


Well-Known Member
There is no point of having that type of security If you won't be alerted when something happens. All I can say is blend everything as good as you can and your good to go. Really though, what are you going to do with camera's, use it as evidence to show the police who stole your plants? Growing off your property is just a risk you have to take.


Well-Known Member
ive read of peaple placing fake flowers on their plants to make them look like something other than marijuna. idk if that would work for you thoughas flowers might bring atention since your growing in a swamp instead of a backyard where there might be similar colord flowers and plansts.

your best bet would to make it look natural and kkeep it in a remote location.

good luck


Active Member
hey jriggs, a trick that an old grow buddy and i used to do was, take some red traffic chalk, roll a ball of it up in some plastic wrap (cling wrap/glad wrap, whatever) and place a fair few of them under leaves all around your site. if anyone steps on them they will burst into the soil and will be almost impossible to clean up. if you see red marks under the leaves when you return its time to uproot and haul ass. although strangerdude562 has a point, it may be too late.


Well-Known Member
its more of the cops im worried about and getting in trouble with them. Id rather have poachers anyday then the worry of cops knocking on my door because they saw me "hiking" back thier.


Well-Known Member
Try and make a day of it, bring something to give you a story why your in that area. Binoculars for birdwatching, fishing pole if near water, you have a right to be doing these things.

A few years ago my mother asked me "Do you want to go to jail"? Someone told her that I had was growing in an area that I was. They described me and an other friend in vague terms,they said they had pictures, and I was just at the site. I freaked out. Surveilance camera's in the woods, I thought of the hunting cameras that the DNR or someone else could install. Anyway the plants were in mid flowering and I knew that if they were there, they did not find them. The first thing might have been pictures, the second would have been either destroying the plants or at least gathering them for evidence. I used a different road in, expecting an ambush by the law, and walked an extra mile. The plants were there I could see from a distance, so I waited a moment and begain to cirlcle the site from a distance. I noticed no camera mounts on any trees nor any around, so I closed in. Took down my fencing, dug up all the plants and moved them a 1/2 mile, watered them and put up the fence. I busted my ass, the plants produced but less then any year, I suppose I could have just havested the ealry bud and got high.
I thought alot about that and its been a few years now, I do believe that if that knew were it was it would have been gone. I think it was an educated guess by someone, who wanted to warn me, perhaps even from someone I knew. They still would have taken them, and I will close this with they tasted good.


Well-Known Member
Dude fuck that shit grow a little off your property so you dont have to go far and youll be all good. if i got a lot of plants in an area and i'm worried that someone happened to find my spot I build Mini land mines out of M80s and pull ignitors LOL it works good. but for cameras I go at night every time, where i'm at theres been a couple bustings by these cameras, but there shitty night vision cameras can only tell them someones there not what they look like the pics are just too blury!!!
Oh yeah and if youre worried about people seeing you walk off in the bushes then do what Longlisard said when i didnt live in the country I us to walk to my palnts every time with a fishingpole, tackle box, and backpack. no one will think onything about this unliss youre where theres no fishing spots for miles lol.


Well-Known Member
its more of the cops im worried about and getting in trouble with them. Id rather have poachers anyday then the worry of cops knocking on my door because they saw me "hiking" back thier.

So when the cops find it, how are the fishing line and cameras going to help you? Growing off property isn't as risky as growing at home because they won't know who's it is but is risky when someone steals your shit.


Well-Known Member
So when the cops find it, how are the fishing line and cameras going to help you? Growing off property isn't as risky as growing at home because they won't know who's it is but is risky when someone steals your shit.
If the cops find it and you are in the area, the have to prove it was yours, leave a clean site nothing to link the site to you. Yes if you were bird watching and some cops started asking you about a grow site you would tell them that they are wrong and you want to talk to your attorney. :roll:

Being polite and courteous explaninig its not yours and you understand that your just being questioned, but you want to speak to your lawyer will help.bongsmilie