Outdoor Seed? Outdoor Clone? Yield?

SC Blazer

Active Member
i am looking to start my outdoor grow asap here in cali.
:?: i was wondering what my yield differences would be if i planted clones from the club outdoors rather then grown from seed. OR would starting a seed indoors and vegging for a month be best?? Any thoughts for generating a large outdoor yield in 2009? what would be my best bet?:?::leaf:


Well-Known Member
your going to be way better off from clone, you've gotta figure it takes 4 weeks for a plant to germ and get any real growth going, that's 4+ weeks you could have for vegging or flowering.

SC Blazer

Active Member
your going to be way better off from clone, you've gotta figure it takes 4 weeks for a plant to germ and get any real growth going, that's 4+ weeks you could have for vegging or flowering.
Would a clone continue to grow as long as a plant started from seed outdoors? moved outdoors at the same time..:?:


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if I fully understand what your asking.....Yes the clone will grow and flower the same time a seed will, it will just set you back weeks for waiting for the plant to germ, root and then go to veg. With clones you put them out and they are already in veg growth so they should be larger than a seed simply put in the ground.

SC Blazer

Active Member
i see what your saying.. i was thinking that a clone might try and flower earlier on me.. therefore having less growing time and equaling less yield..

i guess my question was will a clone grow as long and get to be as big as a plant from seed grown outdoors?


Well-Known Member
i like to tie it down to promote more growth as well and i swear by making your own compost for ferts and planting in the ground as those roots go wild
i only add nutes when flowering but always flush near the end


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
Plants flower on a photo period so the same strain from seed and clone should flower about the same time under the same light conditions.

Unless its an Auto and then it quickly does a bit of vegging then strain into flower.

or you force it to flower by changing light cycle to 12/12 .