Outdoor smell from 1-2 plants


Well-Known Member
How bad will 1-2 plants smell outside during flowering? The plants are a few feet from my neighbor's driveway, and I was wondering if it's safe to leave them there.
That's really a question that you should answer for yourself.
Do the plants smell? If so, how strong is the smell? If not, are the plants visible from a place in their driveway? If so, do you have somewhere else to move them to? If not, are you comfortable checking on your plants with them being so close to your neighbor's house? If so, leave them there. If not, move them.

I think we've covered all bases. Good luck making the right decision.
They'd be tied down, somewhat camoflauged by other plants. They're visible from the driveway, but it'd be the passenger side of the car. They smell now, but only if you're right above them. I planted them june 22, left for a month, don't know exactly when they sprouted. How much worse will the smell get?
I think it would be hard to say how much the plants will smell as I am sure that each plant will smell differently. I know with mine, I have on occasion smelled them in the morning from about 15 feet away, but not every day
i have some decent size plants and they dont smell much at all .. my nose has to be like right by it to smell ... you could got some plastic flowers to put in that pot if u wanna throw your neighbor off ... just a suggestion ...