outdoor so cal planting trees yet?


Active Member
Mine are out..im in 661 and yeah its still hittin 40's here at night. They seem to be fine...aint showin signs of any stress. i put them out about 3 weeks ago


Well-Known Member
805- it drops down to 50 but I've seen no problem. I have a heater in there that keeps it around 60. I use an LED, 225w, at night time to keep them vegging.


Well-Known Member
I started from seed outside about a week ago. Days have been mid-high 70's, nights have been high 50's/low 60's. Right now I only have a single SLH fem seed going, may go with one more...not looking to grow a lot for my first time. So far, so good though, I have a healthy looking sprout and we'll see where it goes from here.