Outdoor Soil mix


Active Member
Starting my planning for the upcoming growing season. I'm planning on digging out holes for all my babies. Any suggestions on a good soil mix I could fill the holes with. I'm leaning towards an organic grow this year. I was thinking about a peat moss type of mix. I've seen soo many recipes I really dont know what would be the best. Now where I'm growing at the soil is pretty good but it could be better. The one recipe calls for

5 parts peat moss
3 parts perlite
2 parts worm castings
1 cup powdered lime per cubic foot
Being outdoor I'm assuming the perlite would useless. Should I substitute anything for the perlite? I was thinking of tossing compost in the mix in place of the perlite? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Cannabis Krew 420

Active Member
Batt guano is very good. last season i grew my first time and tried to be as organic as possible. each plant was in a 3 gallon pale for the soil i used

regular potting soil
2 tbs spoon high nitrogen batt guano
2 cups of worm castings
3 tbs spoons high potasium bat guano
and i every other watering added fish emulsions

The plants grew pretty healthy and pretty large by the end. the only problem was my medium was abit too think so this year i am going to add peat moss aswell
I dont think you can go wrong as long as you use worm castings and bat guano


Active Member
ph perfected soilless mix ingredients right here

rich coco coir-based mix
peat-based mix,
mini grow cubes,
and large grade perilite

the supplements are dilluted by adding the inert grow cubes and perlite, which will help to prevent over feeding
youll have perfect air to water ratio the ability to be used in a hydroponics system using fabric pots or a traditional container.
your plants will also have increased feeder roots and root branching from the grow cubes, whiles seeing increased levers of beneficial bacteria and fungi from the coir.


Well-Known Member
For just from what i have herd from others some say Fox farms is to salty and takes weeks of flushing. Anyone wanna help these guys on that like dreamy?


Well-Known Member
Well I used ffof soil last summer and the plants loved it, well worth the money if you ask me. So that's what I'm sticking with this for this season, I've never heard of it being salty.


Well-Known Member
the only wat to do it right is to build the soil yourself- *uck fox farm it is for the newbies


Well-Known Member
I don't think I'd ever use fox farms ocean forest for a guerilla style grow. The volume of soil needed is to great and the chance of losing at least a few plants is pretty high. For me, it's just too expensive to take that kind of chance with. I'm using plain old promix this year with a handful or two of some fox farm time release nutes along with the liquid nutes to mix it during my inevitable watering excursions.

Cannabis Krew 420

Active Member
Where could i find bat guano , lowes?
I got mine at home hardware but not everyone one i went to had guano
My local hydro shop also sells it.

Bat guano is fairly common for gardening purposes so if you shop around at some local greenhouses, or large supply stores (lowes, h h) you should be able to find it


Well-Known Member
I assume you planning on mixing in other dry amendments for NPK and trace elements ? Maybe a bit of molasses for the microbes to eat but other then that it looks good.


Active Member
I was planning on mixing in an all purpose organic dry fert to get things going. Planning on watering with molasses water after everything is mixed. I'm having trouble finding compost since its dead winter here in the Northeast. I did see dehydrated cow manure at the hardware store. Any thoughts on substituting cow manure for compost? I plan on lettinh the mix sit for at least a month in a container then a month in the ground.


Well-Known Member
I use MG moisture controll for outdoors, it has alot of coco fiber init to help hold in water. Mixed with local soil, Composted manure

And im going to use ZEBA water absorbing polymers again, its safe for food, made out of corn starch.
THIS SHIT WORKS! Check it out. http://www.zeba.com/products/products1.htm#quench It cuts your watering in half .

Also im not using Perilite, shit stick out like a sore thumb on the ground, prolly use vermaculite instead. It loosens soil an holds water [retty good.