Outdoor Super Silver Haze - photos - Feedback pleeeease!¬


Well-Known Member
lmao..i personally would NEVER NEVER NEVER have my 2yo around my plants....not because i think its wrong for her to see them...but she loves to grab on shit real fast and rip up everthing....it happened this summer when my wife had a very nice flower garden going and as soon as everthing started blooming..she plucked every single flower up she could find....


Hatty - yeah, now i geting worried so on top of the anti-dog protection, ive now put in some state of the art anti-baby protection too!!! jejeje

Reckno ive got about 2 weeks left, and yesterday found 10 caterpillars on two plants of various sizes...!!! little buggers, hidden right down inside the bud, and the only way i knew they were there is because the bud had gone brown....!

I guess i cant do much now? just got to keep pulling them off..?

So tonight is the last supper; Ive asked them what they woyuld like, and they didnt respond, so Im just going to give them the same as I alwasy have.... 2 weeks on death row for the the little blighters now, and then its off to the guillotine!! ;)


So since this last post, I have a) done some research on these little f***ers, and b) been away or 3 days.

I have come back to what I can only describe as a warzone. Caterpillars everywhere, shit everywhere, buds brown and wilted. I have spent about 3 hours today picking thru all my buds to try and pick out all the little buggers. And I know I have not got them all, as I just went out now, and found 4 more!! Must have taken 100 off today, from 1/8 inch up to the biggest was over an inch long, and fat with my bud!!

What shall I do, I reckon ive got 2 weeks to harvest...? shall i just harves tthem now? I know im going to lose a lot of potency, but I'll just have to learn from my error, and spray like mad next year.... what do you reckon?


Well-Known Member
if they are getting destroyed to the point you dont feel comfortable with then yes pull em. I had a bunch fall this year to them little fuckers


Hi Dr Drunken

Yeah, I am thinking that too. My top two buds, the major ones, are as far as I can tell ok still, but these little worms are SOOOO hard to find, as the buds are super swollen, and looking awesome. I'll be gutted to lose it all.

So, all the shit that has been left behind, do i have to pick all that out too. I mean i dont fancy the idea of smoking it, but is it harmful? all they have been eating is my bud, so kind of thinking i could give that lot to someone else...? or is that just rude?



So I wnet out this morning and saw a brilliant site - rushed to get cmaera but missed it - I had 3 wasps on my big plant, hunting down the caterpillars - and pretty successfully i might add - in 2 minutes saw them catch and eat 2 of them!

What with me pulling them off, and the wasps hunting, i must have had hundreds of them! Oooops!
Getting some whitefly too now!!!! Grrrr!


Ive just been out for half an hour, and i am now the wasp whisperer. Ive literally been plucking off the caterpillars, and holding them in my hand for the wasps to come and get them! Ive got a symbiotic relationship going on i reckon, as when I do it, more and more wasps arrive! And they have not stung me yet either!

In the downside, I am still finding plenty of the little bastards!!

Here is pic of main plant, starting to creak under the pressure! Off to get a stake !


Still got a few weeks to go havent I??

Will the buds make it with the invasion of pests!


ok, ive staked it up, fed the wasps another 20 caterpillars - i really cannot believe how mnay there are.... seriously considering chopping

I am fast drying some bud at the moment, which is obviouly before time, to see how it smokes, and then will make my decision!

So next year, I will buy in same of that caterpillar spray and religiously spray it! no doubt something else will get me next yr, and i wont see a single one!


Active Member
I live on a coastal Canadian Island pn the pacific ocean. I find that plants here adapt well to the marine air, One can smell the ocean if the breeze is just right. My point is, I have not seen any bud rot. It has rained on and off for a few days. The humidity will be 100 at 10 degrees. I think now currently its 60% humidity. I think maybe this environmental factor that is unique to Vancouver Island, promotes strong growth. Did you know the cowichan valley on the mid island has the highest average overall temp in Canada.

PS your guys gardens look amazing. Have a peek at at ours (kush haze) (midnight maryj)


Hi Nana

Thanks for popping in - I cant help thinking you were meaning to post on another thread as it (your post) didnt have anything to do with my probs. HOWEVER, on the humidity issue, I live about 10 miles inland from souther spanish mediterranean cost, and humidity is not, as yet a problem. I would say 1/3 to half of all my buds have had varying degrees of caterpillar damage, and there is worm shit everythwehere -

There is no way I am picking that out now, but i cannot see any sign of bud rot, just fucked up dry bud where the littl ebugggers have bitten thru it!

I could be wrong on that, but i dont htink so, my main two colas are loooking awesome, so will just leave as long as possible and chop!



Active Member
ya it was a bit off track, but did touch on the humidity, which was my main point. I guess the rest was me bragging about the island..hah.

Glad your grow is going well, good luck


Well, it could have probably gone better, but it could certainly have gone worst for a newbie!

It does sound you live in a nice place, but then so do I, so I am still smiling! And always nice to go down the beach and check out some of Spains finest ladies aside from the MJ!


Ok, so the 'pillar damage was just getting out of hand, ad while they were not 100% ready, i think thye should be ok!!! I have learnt plenty, so next yr ill be set. I may even get an indoor setup going, for the winter, but will have to wait until i have chopped this lot, and that does not look fun!! :)


Active Member
we have cut 6 of 7 now due to mold starting deep in the colas. You really need to pick into it to find it before its too late adn you lose a lot. We lost maybe a doobies worth.

Good luck man,


so its taken this long to post again as i have been so totally mash-up for the last few months, i havent thought about growing again! but the time will soon be upon us! All I can say is thankgod for snowboarding and weed, gets us through the winter!!