Outdoor with indoor clones ... Am I in over my head

Peyote alexia

Well-Known Member
Hey guys.
I've started a guerilla grow. Well. Prepping it for the coming months.
I've ordered some nice sativa dominant strains that I think sound suited and have dug and prepped most the holes. I had a vegged sativa that had been topped already and put it there as a tester. Came back today a week later. It's doubled in size and is a neon green. (Adjusting to organics)(nute burn from synthetics early )
Anyway. My plan is to germinate one of each strain. Veg out some mums and cut some clones for the Guerilla. But my concern is that we only get 14h light on a long day through the season. So should I raise the mother's on 15/9 light?
If anyone could give me some tips on progressing the clones to the bush that would be great. They're in 50/50 Coco perlite and will be taken out pretty young (once rooted) this sativa bagseed was in the same medium. It seems to have taken well to the transfer. So that's a good sign
I've used. Horse manure, weak fish slow release pellets. Base organic fertilizer. Bacteria culture. potash, diatamocious earth (termites), and dolomite lime. For super soil in the bottom 1/3 of the holes. With the fish pellets,dolomite lime and DE only on the top.


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Peyote alexia

Well-Known Member
Yer down unda :P
We have to wait another few months before we start. I can put them out in late August if they are in a good spot and they will kick through till the end with 10ft tall plants. (Done that once)(that's most of my outdoor experience) but that was from a known local strain. This guy will just be floweres enough by the Start of the season to pick some slightly immature buds from. It's just a tester to see what bugs we come across. And to test the soil. Although I was reminded that bugs change season to season. Oh well :p

Peyote alexia

Well-Known Member
Ive done a few tests transferring them outdoors once bigger. They take well. But never tried to keep them in veg. My main concern is that the constant high ppfd through the whole day inside when they start then the filtered 14h light of the bush. May trigger flowering straight away

Peyote alexia

Well-Known Member
Awesome thanks man. Bed for me now. But I'll look into it more. Alot of what I have is meant for the northern hem dunno if that matters lol

Peyote alexia

Well-Known Member
Haha if you were Aussie you wouldn't complain of a fractured toe :P . But times a changing ha. New generations here.. broken toes are fun. Limping all day:p
They will be started indoors under a red-blue-white Led on 15-9 with my current strains in the tent also. So I can see which strains will hold up on low hours of light. I'm concerned planting the big yielders. As they're indica dominant. And we get the edge of a wet season near the end haha


Well-Known Member
lol, I wave hi to the state police helicopters flying over my yard while I'm tending to mine hahaha