OutDoors (first grow)


Active Member
thes are my plants that have been growing since june or so outside being watered when needed. no nutes or anything like that i guess you could say i just let it grow naturally... but its my first grow and i didnt want to do things i didnt know how to do and just because someone told me. so heres some pics of how they look like prolly week old pics, and was curious if i could get any input what so ever on how they are looking, how much more longer they are going to take and if they look healthy.... any information would be of great help. thank you guys very much...
Just click the links of the ones that dont show.....

http://shutter13.pictures.aol.com:80/data/pictures/08/001/53/FB/70/22/35GS4bTjit8PMrkjEXZGJucZi4Zpm1Lm0300.jpg http://shutter15.pictures.aol.com:80/data/pictures/08/00A/68/F7/C5/6E/xv7B9k2UKvbw+I7YSgcdSU83qsmVu5mH0300.jpg http://shutter13.pictures.aol.com:80/data/pictures/08/006/76/FE/EE/A1/nPTZ2wxyJx7hpXCqKjeN-nDF1zWCrSWU0300.jpg


Active Member
thanks the only thing is, i think that bugs are getting the best of it as we speak and if you may have any idea how to cure all pest in general.... i would love to hear cause i have worked really hard to maintain this plant and would hate for it to go to waste the last stretch of growing before harvest.... and if you can tell becuase i cant by the pics, how long before i start to see buds?


Active Member
come on people i see you looking but no reply......... any input will NOT hurt i promise everything you say i would appricate alot.......


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Don't worry about bugs, that big spider is taking care of them for you. Nice looking plant.


Well-Known Member
depends on where your at. As for the bugs, it looks like you got a little help in one of the pics. I use that Garden Spray from Walmart and it seems to be working great and it doesn't shock the plant at all. I'm hoping that it won't damage the quality of smoke?????
But it does seem to be keeping the bugs away.


Active Member
thanks guys alot (or girls), but the plant is at my buddys house and we are both like taking care of it and i dont get to see it as much as he does cause its around where he live... and he said that there is like spiders or so what he says getting into the buds or something and forming webs... just curious on weather that is the psider in the pic or if its bad for the plant.... and what i could possibly use to get rid of it.... right now the only bug spray i use is water and dish soap........ and other info would be great.....

thanks alot guys really i do appricate it...


Well-Known Member
spiders are good. spidermites are bad. spidermites are tiny and live on the underside of the leaves. they cause small white spots on the leaves.


Active Member
thanks for the info guys its helping alot.... quick question though just by looking at those pics, which were taken a week ago how long intill i see the actuall buds dropping or see it look like some of the pics that you have of buds fdd2blk has.... im going to try and get my buddy to take some more pics becuase i havent seen it in a week and he said the spots where buds form are getting bigger....... whoops i lied i got one more question too... lol. there are some brown spots on the tips of the leaves but not to bad and i was just curious of what thats from... not enough water to much water bugs, etc....?


Active Member
come on you shy people voice your viewpoint...... i mean isnt that what a forum is!!!!! lol just kidding more input though would be sweet


Well-Known Member
buds will get bigger everyday. the brown tips could be signs of excess nutes. if just the very tips are brown this is perfect. back-off just a hair.


Active Member
wow man thanks alot if u lived near me i would blaze all this with you in 1 blunt lol................... figure of speech but we would defintley be getting ripped off our ass lol:joint: anyone else care to throw out some information... be my guest........:peace:


Active Member
so my buddy and i are using this better bloom grow enhancement, and was curious is to if i should stop using it becuase of some brown spots at the ends of the leaves, as FDD said it could be excessive amount of nutes being put into the plant. so i was curious on if i should stop fertlizing with it and just continue with just watering it. and my second question would be, how much should i water the plant.... we do it like every other day, but this past couple of days we have been getting a decent amount of rain and not any sun..... will that slow the process down for buds growing a little or now?


Well-Known Member
if i read correctly you got it this far without nutes right? and in the pic it looked very healthy, leaving me to assume the soil it's growing in has all the nutrients your plant needs. i would definatly stop using fertalizer for a week or two, maybe water it once with a lot of water to flush some of the excess out. if in a few weeks it looks like it's lacking in nutrients(not likely) start applying again, but you must remember that pot doesn't need as much nutriends as your standard garden plant, and as such you should dilute the recomended dose on the back of the bottle by half.

rain and no sun wont necesarrily slow down the process, light still gets through the clouds, but the cold weather (60 and below) will slow it down a smidge. if you don't mind my asking, what part of the country do you live in?

don't be too anxious to see big colas forming, you will just get impatient and it will seem to go that much slower, remember budding takes 7-9 weeks on most indica/sativa hybrids, that means they wont be big fat colas for another 2 months, everything till then will be a slow graduall bulking.