Outer Edges of Leaves Dieing and Curling Up While Flowering (pics)


Active Member
I am 5 weeks into flower or so and am getting worried. I first thought this was a magnesium deficiency, but I have been adding Epsom salt in water and foiler feeding with no improvement. The newer smaller leaves are becoming an issue now. I am afraid this is stunting my buds as I have not noticed much growth and the lower branches are starting to twist and lower. I at first thought this was nuit burn but have reduced my Big Bloom with no improvements. I am getting some amber trichs already, but the plant doesn't seem to be thickening up.

Growing in soil outdoor and pH is fine. I do have some Gnats. Any idea where I can pick up neem oil locally given there are no grow shops in my area?



Active Member
Definitely looks like nutrient burn. I start weening my plants off of nutrients during the flowering stages. Then around the last 2 weeks I completely eradicate the nutrients and flush the plant for clean, good burning smoke. I've never used "Big Bloom," but I did some research and found a feeding schedule HERE. Are you following the recommended feed schedule? What other nutrients are you using?

Also, salt build-up is bad, so stop using epsom salt.


Active Member
Also, try topping your plant next time. At about 6 nodes height, chop the top of the plant, and it will grow 2 colas instead of one. You can continue this process, and end up with 6+ colas.


Active Member
One more thing, it is usually recommended that you keep pruning to a minimum during flowering stages, but in your case the plant wants to repair A LOT of damage. So go ahead and prune away!


Active Member
One more thing, it is usually recommended that you keep pruning to a minimum during flowering stages, but in your case the plant wants to repair A LOT of damage. So go ahead and prune away!

Wow, thanks for the great replys. I have been using 2 teaspoons per gallon every other watering. I thought it was a magnesium deif because during veg there were yellow spots which I saw in a faq to be a sign of this. I haven't done any pruning, just letting the leaves fall off.

This was my first plant so I just wanted to see how it went. I'll start to flush and hope I didn't do too much damage. Next season I plan to plant 10 plants or so on 1200 acres. Just enough to last us the winter. This plant was a great learning experience.


New Member
The same thing is happening to me, but I am currently flushing the system with water. no nutrients are added. It has a month left and the leaves are curling but not burning. It just feels dry and what not, is that normal though? The leaves on this person's plant look way worse. I will post some pictures here soon so you can see.