Outrageous Spine Crackage


New Member
if the spine cracking thing was true you'd think people would freak out all the time at massage parlors and stuff..


Well-Known Member
Yeah - My Chiropractor has a special room setup for me when he "cracks" my back - he's decked it out with Hendrix posters and Grateful dead wall flags. He has a few lava lamps, some incense, and a closet he opens up to expose a life-like Iron Maiden Eddie figure. Best of times! :roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll:


Well-Known Member
Yeah - My Chiropractor has a special room setup for me when he "cracks" my back - he's decked it out with Hendrix posters and Grateful dead wall flags. He has a few lava lamps, some incense, and a closet he opens up to expose a life-like Iron Maiden Eddie figure. Best of times! :roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll:


Oracle of Hallucinogens
You've been to my office? Next time you're in mention your RIU screename, I'll give you a discount.

he he he :-D