outside grow in U.K


Active Member
Hi, i just stumbled across your thread,
outdoor in the uk is fiiiine, i've had nice results for the past few years, never did "the big one" but got halfway there, with bags of compost and pearlite stashed away in fields (that still remains, miles from civilization) due to a sudden change in my living location, miles away, but my small ops have all gone nice, just get early flowers, this forum is great, it can show you the pro's and con's of over and underthinking things. my only advice is to follow it through, if you get no crop, you still got knowledge and experience, every time it'll be better than the last!

though it is only tomatoes that i grow, i assure you


i defo carry it through even just for the experience, its just hard to belive that it will work with our shitty weather but i aint gunna lose anything either way. so whats ur plans for this summer savage? im thinking 3-4 spots with 5 in each do u start yours indoors or outside? yh and the other thing i choese my spots coz their discreet and theres no reason y any1 should go there, but just as much as i no this so does every1 else? u see wt im saying. i think they are like i say discreet enough not to be found.. i hope..


i jus put 30 seeds in soil they be going outside in abt 2 weeks they under a 125 ecolite i just hope the weathers good coz i aint gt no room to keep 30 of the bad boys ne way.... irll be back


they 30 bagseed we gt told wer either gunna be male or female. hw long after they go outside will i b able to sex them? am i right in thinking that wen they flower they show sex so im guna have to wait on mother nature to work her magic b 4 i find out how many girls i gt then?


also whats good to mix with the soil if anything. the weather down heres still shit, and they have jus started poking their heads throu


Well-Known Member
Hi im planning on doing an outdoor grow im in london,

i know there are foxes in my area do u recon they will harm the plant? Does anybody know about foxes and marijauna?


In my district is full with foxes, especially in the forests. If you do not fertilize your plants with manure produced by birds' shits, your could not have any problems. In fact, foxes rapidly smell these fertilizers :) Therefore, be careful how you will feed your babies. :P Anyway, good luck with your growing