outside wilting

I have my plants inside until they get about 9 inches tall. When I put them outside, I keep them properly watered, but they shrivel up and die or quit growing and dry out. I have them in direct sunlight. What am I doing wrong?


Active Member
One subscriber says he puts his plants in the sun for only an hour to let the plant get back use to the strong kelvins. I'm a nubi/nubian/new to. I did the same thing and mine turned to "jelly" like aloe vera! I too had this same plant outside in the Arkansas sun for hours so i thought i was "use to it". But back in forth under CFL's then the Sun, then CFL's then the Sun i guess it "shocked it". Only 1 leaf was effected. Cooled down w/2 pc fans and 1 20" box fan. Deformed, but living.


Well-Known Member
Harden them off. put them in the morning sun for 2 hours first day , 3 hours 2nd day, 3hours 3rd day etc. They will be right to go out in a week. When you put them in, water well and put some mulch around them .


Well-Known Member
No they are already hardening off. Just mulch and water, can take up to two weeks to recover.