Over aerating water?


Active Member
I fill up a trashcan with water and have a big ass air stone in there. I have been letting it aerate for at least a day or two before using. But I just read this article talking about all the effects of aerating water http://water.me.vccs.edu/courses/ENV115/Lesson5_print.htm

I live in a farm area and we get the same water the farmers get to water their crops. Should I just be using the raw water out of the tap? Is a day too long to let water sit and aerate?

The article talks about water becoming super saturated and also talks about aerating removing lots of minerals from the water like iron and manganese?


Well-Known Member
how bout just use the water right out of the tap. a day isn't a long time to aerate. chlorine evaporates, idk what else. but it can't be bad.


Active Member
Well, it says that supersaturation can cause corrosion on metal surfaces and sedimentation problems. Sedimentation is the tendency for particles in suspension to settle out of the fluid in which they are entrained and come to rest against a barrier. You're only aerating water, I don't see how that could cause problems.


Well-Known Member
I fill up a trashcan with water and have a big ass air stone in there. I have been letting it aerate for at least a day or two before using. But I just read this article talking about all the effects of aerating water http://water.me.vccs.edu/courses/ENV115/Lesson5_print.htm

I live in a farm area and we get the same water the farmers get to water their crops. Should I just be using the raw water out of the tap? Is a day too long to let water sit and aerate?

The article talks about water becoming super saturated and also talks about aerating removing lots of minerals from the water like iron and manganese?
The article is talking about a WATER TREATMENT PLANT as in a factory.

Plants roots like oxygen.

The total iron and manganese your plant needs comes from your nutrient line. Not the water source.

It talks about aeration being a waste of energy for them, pretreatment of the water.

At what point does this relate to plants?

I doubt a small air pump and stone are going to create a problem with your nutrients becoming suspended etc.

Dissolved oxygen in water for plants is a good thing.

Also smaller bubbles are better than larger bubbles.
