Over defoliation and Naked plant

tldr: "The results revealed that pruning the plants twice during cultivation was the optimal practice for increasing yield, and other treatments decreased or did not affect yield quantity."


In regards to cannabinoids, "BBLR + Defoliation” was the most uniform treatment (Bottom Branch Leaves Removed)

And THC is high for this treatment, as shown in this chart.


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tldr: "The results revealed that pruning the plants twice during cultivation was the optimal practice for increasing yield, and other treatments decreased or did not affect yield quantity."



Which shows that the heavy defoliation many are doing is reducing their yield.

I found this observation to be interesting.

"In cannabis folklore, a “stretching period” of rapid growth is considered to occur at the two weeks following the transition to a short-day photoperiod, prior to the termination of plant elongation and the formation of inflorescences. In the present study, no such “stretching” was seen, but rather a continuation of the pre-short-day growth rate. It is possible that this tale originates from “indoor” growers that conventionally change the cultivation light source from metal-halide (MH) to high pressure sodium (HPS) at the onset of the short photoperiod. These light sources differ in spectrum and intensity. The HPS light spectra is poor in the blue light fraction and rich in the far-red fraction, and both lack of blue light and enrichment in far-red are known elicitors of plant elongation [9]. These results debunk the concept of an endogenous “stretching period” and point at spectral properties as inducers of the growth enhancement."
Which shows that the heavy defoliation many are doing is reducing their yield.

I found this observation to be interesting.

"In cannabis folklore, a “stretching period” of rapid growth is considered to occur at the two weeks following the transition to a short-day photoperiod, prior to the termination of plant elongation and the formation of inflorescences. In the present study, no such “stretching” was seen, but rather a continuation of the pre-short-day growth rate. It is possible that this tale originates from “indoor” growers that conventionally change the cultivation light source from metal-halide (MH) to high pressure sodium (HPS) at the onset of the short photoperiod. These light sources differ in spectrum and intensity. The HPS light spectra is poor in the blue light fraction and rich in the far-red fraction, and both lack of blue light and enrichment in far-red are known elicitors of plant elongation [9]. These results debunk the concept of an endogenous “stretching period” and point at spectral properties as inducers of the growth enhancement."
It also shows that not removing any leaves is counterproductive, double pruning had identical thca as the control plant with higher yield.
So what would you all do with these ladies? Three plants in a organic mixture of soil in 5 gallon fabric bags. Flipped to flower last Saturday night. I'm thinking I have to open the canopy for air flow. Never done a screen style grow before. First thing from what I have read is to remove all the leaves below the screen, correct? If so then after how much more should I thin out?

It also shows that not removing any leaves is counterproductive, double pruning had identical thca as the control plant with higher yield.

The difference between the control and double pruning was pretty minimal. Not anything I'm going to bother spending time playing with my plants over. It may be of value in a larger commercial grow operation but for those growing for personal use and already growing more cannabis than they can consume it is of no value to spend the time double pruning for a small increase in yield.

I also never mentioned double pruning in my post you replied to. I was referring to the heavy defoliation fad many are doing these days.

"Which shows that the heavy defoliation many are doing is reducing their yield. "
So what would you all do with these ladies? Three plants in a organic mixture of soil in 5 gallon fabric bags. Flipped to flower last Saturday night. I'm thinking I have to open the canopy for air flow. Never done a screen style grow before. First thing from what I have read is to remove all the leaves below the screen, correct? If so then after how much more should I thin out?

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They are fine - I’d leave them alone unless humidity becomes a problem. If you’ve got decent airflow and the humidity under control, you can pack them in. Just clear out anything under the screen once they finish the stretch
Great post, I'm trying my first manifold and over did the defoliation as well. My previous grows (non manifold) were much heartier looking and had at least double the amount of fan leafs at this point. Hey, its an experiment, we'll see what happens and learn from it.

I went to 12/12 a bit early (5 weeks) and think that was a mistake. You lose some time recovering with a manifold grow, and I should have let it go at least two more weeks (veg)

Anyway, heres mine starting week 6 flower, a big circle of scraggly buds ! Nice to see your post up, I'm following your grow. It will be fun to see how we newbies do this grow...

Great post, I'm trying my first manifold and over did the defoliation as well. My previous grows (non manifold) were much heartier looking and had at least double the amount of fan leafs at this point. Hey, its an experiment, we'll see what happens and learn from it.

I went to 12/12 a bit early (5 weeks) and think that was a mistake. You lose some time recovering with a manifold grow, and I should have let it go at least two more weeks (veg)

Anyway, heres mine starting week 6 flower, a big circle of scraggly buds ! Nice to see your post up, I'm following your grow. It will be fun to see how we newbies do this grow...

View attachment 5244210View attachment 5244214
Manifolds do look cool, but if you are growing for weight there is a reason it isnt a mainstream or production process.
Second grow i tried one, and it was a total waste of effort.
Scrog or sog is the way to go, followed by just letting it do its thing if your trying to fill your cabinet.
Leaves are what facilitate eating to the plant. Try taking away food from a body builder, and see how much muscle he stacks on.

It would be like taking the weights away from him... he has alot of food but can't convert it.
Only thing that's off with this analogy is that the bodybuilder would still get super FAT.
Manifolds do look cool, but if you are growing for weight there is a reason it isnt a mainstream or production process.
Second grow i tried one, and it was a total waste of effort.
Scrog or sog is the way to go, followed by just letting it do its thing if your trying to fill your cabinet.

My last grows were simple, pics below) I just bent the stem horizontal and kept everything low and even using a scrog net. So, I think you hit the nail on the head here.. But it is nice that all of the buds are almost identical in size, getting good light and breathing easy, in a manifold. Its a lot less work playing "whack a mole" trying to keep the buds level. With the manifold, all of my tops are staying even automatically...

First pic NL, Second Durban Poison, Third NL current grow (to compare) both around week 5 flower.. (No manifold-- Bend and Scrog, Trimming all lesser colas and lower buds)


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Manifolds do look cool, but if you are growing for weight there is a reason it isnt a mainstream or production process.
Second grow i tried one, and it was a total waste of effort.
Scrog or sog is the way to go, followed by just letting it do its thing if your trying to fill your cabinet.

Hm, I was alwas a fan of it when I saw it... but never did it, cause...

A.) I'm a lazy bastard
B.) I'm a real impatient bastard too.
tldr: "The results revealed that pruning the plants twice during cultivation was the optimal practice for increasing yield, and other treatments decreased or did not affect yield quantity."

Seems about right, I pretty much take away what's needed to keep the humidity in check and clean out stuff at the bottom of the plants, that would get mostly shade. Then pretty much take away the fanleaves that would cover buds once the flowers are developed.
I'm enjoying this extra defoliation I've done this time. In the original pics the canopy was a little too open for my taste, it filled up shortly afterwards. Not to a full dense canopy but I would say enough. Nice airflow, no leaves going into bud sites and each one receives full light. I like it that everything is usable, no fluff on the stems.

Here's some pics, still about 4-5 weeks left

My last grows were simple, pics below) I just bent the stem horizontal and kept everything low and even using a scrog net. So, I think you hit the nail on the head here.. But it is nice that all of the buds are almost identical in size, getting good light and breathing easy, in a manifold. Its a lot less work playing "whack a mole" trying to keep the buds level. With the manifold, all of my tops are staying even automatically...

First pic NL, Second Durban Poison, Third NL current grow (to compare) both around week 5 flower.. (No manifold-- Bend and Scrog, Trimming all lesser colas and lower buds)