God your friend might as well plug an Iv into them and let it rip. Ug, these haven't even started to experience the burn that they soon will if that is a time release soil, I'm with greensurfer on not relieving that bunch of their leaves they will need them to heel. Try this, scrutinize your soil bag, see what was put in it I.E.. n-p-k levels on back of the bag. What MG formula are you useing? I won't feed my worst enemys plants that nute. I would feel too bad for the PLANT. If it is pro formula MG 20-20-20, n-p-k . Your dilution and frequency, is still to hot and often. Let the plants dry out compleatly, tip and dunp them out of the pot (carefully) . try not to handle the roots, this is a good time to inspect them , do it quickly. if they appear rusty you have a problem that is typical of miricle grow growers, rinse them or they will die. Replant your plant in 5 gal with black gold organic n-p-k 0.05-0.0-0.0, This can be found at most nursureys or garden centers, black and orange bag. Mix a quart of perolite to each 5 gal pot, change your nutrients, try a fish pump and air stone with un-sulfered molassas and worm castings, dilute this tea by half after 5 days of bubbling, in 5 gal bucket. Add a teaspoon of epsom salt mix well and feed this to them, two cups to 5 gal planter every 7 days, do this and you will stop the pain. Now for those leaves, did you know there is a spider mite killer that has amazing foliage healing properties? I use it for any damaged leafs, burns, deficiantcy, bug bite, ect... It simply turns those damaged leaves back on, it heals and greens pale leafs in just hours after application. Remember do not return your plant back to "direct" light until plant has dryed, if you do spray them with it.. I'ts made with 5 habeneros the size of a bic lighter in 20 min. See plant problems top of page under BUGS click on the thred for cali -cleen , 100% natural spidermite spray ,, this shit is so cool !!! best spidermite/ bandaid , for sick and damaged plants.