over fertilized or a deficiency? please help

Develops on older leaves. First saw it on the mother plants. brown yellow and some red spots. I may have pushed them too hard right out of the gate. On week one out of the aeroponic cloner. I started using a R O filter a month ago cause my well water is 450+ ppm hard. Should I flush them with sledgehammer? They haven't been fertilized for 4-5 days. Got R O water 2 days ago ph 6.5



Ursus marijanus
I think you have splash burns ... nute solution on leaves will cause that. The whitish crust on the affected leaf I saw in pic #2 supports this. I don't see either overfert or deficiency ... healthy plants (maaaaybe a bit overwatered at the moment) with splash burns. Thus spake the bear. ;) cn


Active Member
looks like a phosphorus deficiency (p) look more into it in the later stages the leafs will turn brown .... i believe i could be wrong...
Thanks for the reply. I tried flushing that one with cal mag plus to see if that helps. I last watered on Saturday morning for the rest and this group didn't show any signs of it until today. I did turn the light up to 1000 watts Sunday also.
It looks like maybe magnesium deficiency locked out calcium. Should I stop using reverse osmosis water? My well water is very hard 450 ppm


Ursus marijanus
Now that i see the new pics, calcium looks like a good candidate. What i would try is mixing RO with untreated water to achieve about 150 ppm as a base for mixing your nutes. cn


Well-Known Member
I think you have splash burns ... nute solution on leaves will cause that. The whitish crust on the affected leaf I saw in pic #2 supports this. I don't see either overfert or deficiency ... healthy plants (maaaaybe a bit overwatered at the moment) with splash burns. Thus spake the bear. ;) cn
"Speaks" or "Says"...... LOL
Mixed R O water with well water to 200 ppm ph 6.5. Also sprayed them with same mix just after the lights went out. Runoff tested one ph6.5 in, runoff was 5.4 assuming it is a deficiency how do I fix? Add lime to soil when translating and for future groups? Add lime to water? Or use the mixed RO water and well water to 150-200 ppm?


Well-Known Member
Cal-mag deficiency is the most probable ailment since you use RO water and early deficiency looks like that on foliage. You can correct it with supplemental usage of cal mag solution or if you cannot get that readily locally you can use epsom salts. Good luck and be patient it takes days to reverse not unless you foliar feed to correct it.


Active Member
No dont foliar feed with cal mag ur gonna need a foliar spray like b1 thrive alive..

If u think its calmag def - id suggest go with the epsom salt u canget it anywhere... Walgreens cvs...
Look up the dosage for ur resivour size.
I just delt with a cal def. The next day after i added some calmag plants perked right up.


Well-Known Member
Get your medium's PH between 6-7 before adding anything....the runoff doesn't tell me much other than it's acidic/ need to find out the MEDIUM's ph!.........this may be a lock, and it's showing signs of a potassium def(leaf curl)....adding more fert/additives to a lock causes a toxicity!!!!
Get your medium's PH between 6-7 before adding anything....the runoff doesn't tell me much other than it's acidic/ need to find out the MEDIUM's ph!.........this may be a lock, and it's showing signs of a potassium def(leaf curl)....adding more fert/additives to a lock causes a toxicity!!!!
How do you test the ph of the soil? I have a digital ph meter and have always just tested the water and runoff.


Well-Known Member
How do you test the ph of the soil? I have a digital ph meter and have always just tested the water and runoff.
Soil ph meter https://growershouse.com/bluelab-soil-ph-meter .....the best/ if you plan on growing in soil/cocco mixes long into the future you should get a probe meter....honestly I would just ride it out(with filtered-ph adjusted water 7+) and see if the symptoms get better, soil is natural buffer.........good luck
I flushed the 1 week olds until the runoff was 6.3 took about 1/2 gallon each of ph 7.8 water ppm 200. I will post an update in a few days.
I think the ph being too low along with through RO water caused the deficiency. After the flush to bring the soil ph up to 6.3 The new growth is less curled up and no new spots. Thanks again for the help, I really am learning some previously overlooked practices.
The veg and bloom room ph are corrected ph 6.5 water in runoff was 6.15-6.3 better than under 5 before. Definitely low ph locked out nutrients. Flushed initially to bring up the ph and now added dolomite lime to the soil at 2 tsp per gallon of soil. They were getting light almost lime green from no fertilizer for 2 weeks (during ph correction) so I did a foliar feeding to get them some n-p-k immediately. Used 1/4 tsp fox farms grow big. 1/4 tsp tiger bloom. 6 tsp big bloom. 2 tsp Epsom salt. The yellowing/ dying leaves are becoming less in numbers in the bloom room bud development is pushing pretty well considering. The veg room never lost many leaves, hopefully they will green up and bounce back.resuming fertilizer every other watering as per fox farms feeding chart

