over-fertilized. Should I flush??? (pics)


Active Member
These ladies are in their second week of flowering. Ak-48 in 5 gallon pots with Fox Farm soil. I recently potted up and gave them fresh Fox Farm Ocean Forest AND gave them a helping of Blue Mountain Organics Super Plant Tonic + Flower Power. I think the nutes were too much for it as the fresh Fox Farm has nutes of it's own and I probably should not have added anything for two to three weeks.

Anyhow after a few days I now have the yellow leaves at the bottom... The pics were taken in the sun so it doesn't show the color as well as I would have liked. The plants are doing well I think regardless... Yes, a couple of them have been overwatered as evidenced by the canoeing leaves at the bottom. Still, over all they look healthy to me... What do you think? Should I flush or wait it out???

BTW- the reason why the leaves are partially snipped in the last pic was because of some necrotic patches... This is the ONLY part of the three plants that had this two days after the last feeding.


Are the nutes slow releasing? If they are id say flush but if not then it should be fine, Just water them good next time with no nutes untill you find out how much you should use..
I would take those reflectors off, the soil needs to breathe.
Yeah those pieces of reflectix could be causing your soil to dry out to slowly and not breath. If the roots don't get the oxygen they need you will get the same symptoms as over watering I would flush though but let the soil get really dry first. After flushing let the soil get really dry again before adding back fertilized water. I think you should be okay as long as you dont do anything too extreme. They don't look that bad.



Active Member
Thanks for the advice. They are all in 5 gallon buckets. I understand I have to flush with 2 or three times the container size right? So that means I have to flush with 10 gallons of water? Can I do this a bit at a time? I don't know how I'd ph all of that water and keep it in a managable container... Any suggestions on how to make this process as easy as possible?