Over or underwatered?

Kine Sensi

Well-Known Member
I've got three plants, and they are all really droopy. The soil is still slightly moist about 4 inches down into the pots (6L). I was thinking it was overwatering because the soil was still kinda moist at depth and the last time I watered them they never really fully perked up just kinda half way. So I stopped watering 3 days ago and they have only further withered. The soil feels the driest on the droopiest plant and slightly more moist on the best looking one. the skinny one on the right has pretty much never perked up in it's entire life, don't know why. Am I mistaking this for underwatering? I can't seem to figure out when exactly to water them.

Anyway, here's my setup:
6 liter pots with straight Ocean Forest
Recently added 1 tbsp/gal Age Old Organics Bloom fertilizer to water
193 watts of cfls
great ventilation
temps 72-82 approx.
humidity 20% usually
plants are 6-8 inches tall (bagseed)

How many days should it take 6L (1.5gal) of Ocean Forest to dry out if watered completely and evenly?

Maybe I should try plain water again?

You tell me, you guys are the experts.;-)
Thanks guys


Active Member
if you have good drainage and ventalation at thoes tempsand r/h should be hard to over water in ocean forest id water it but im still new to this so dont take my advice lol
Uncle Ben has a good thread on plant moisture stress that and riddleme NooB Advice thread helped me alot with watering


Active Member
if you have good drainage and ventalation at thoes tempsand r/h should be hard to over water in ocean forest id water it but im still new to this so dont take my advice lol
Uncle Ben has a good thread on plant moisture stress that and riddleme NooB Advice thread helped me alot with watering
I am also new to this, but from what i can see, your leaves look like they have grown very wide which is indicating that they are having some trouble dissipating heat through water evaporation, this in turn means that your humidity levels may be too high, if your humidity levels are pushing over 80 or maybe even 70% you might wanna lower them.


Alright.... Im not really new at this, been doing it for a couple of years, with alot of knowledge from friends, and other interests that do this. I would reccomend the following. Have you checked your PH levels, make sure they are in correct standings. Have they been flushed? Assuming you have been feeding them nutrients, you need to "flush" the plants every two weeks or so, to prevent build up, etc. Flushing means to litterally dump gallons of straight water into the soil and let it all just drain out of the bottom, since they are not huge pots, about 2 gallons should do it, let it all drain, see what happens. Also... if you are seeing any Yellow, its a nitrogen shortage, act accordingly by getting it more Nitrogen. f there is purpling in the stems, then they need phospherous. Are the plants leaves curling a little... like the widths of them curlsing undernieth themselves.... Check to make sure its not spider mites. Once you have gone throug that. Let me know, i would be more then happy to help if you shoot me a message.


Active Member
Alright.... Im not really new at this, been doing it for a couple of years, with alot of knowledge from friends, and other interests that do this. I would reccomend the following. Have you checked your PH levels, make sure they are in correct standings. Have they been flushed? Assuming you have been feeding them nutrients, you need to "flush" the plants every two weeks or so, to prevent build up, etc. Flushing means to litterally dump gallons of straight water into the soil and let it all just drain out of the bottom, since they are not huge pots, about 2 gallons should do it, let it all drain, see what happens. Also... if you are seeing any Yellow, its a nitrogen shortage, act accordingly by getting it more Nitrogen. f there is purpling in the stems, then they need phospherous. Are the plants leaves curling a little... like the widths of them curlsing undernieth themselves.... Check to make sure its not spider mites. Once you have gone throug that. Let me know, i would be more then happy to help if you shoot me a message.
It looks to me like the problem definitely does not fall into the category or pH or nutrients at all... just saying


Active Member
Ok, after researching a little more, I have found a possible problem, apparently leaves will droop like that if the plant's root system cannot support the plant anymore. It may be time to transplant your girls into larger pots.

Kine Sensi

Well-Known Member
well that would be bad because not only do i not have bigger pots, I don't have the space. i think i'll try going with a nutrient-free watering/flush tomorrow and see how that goes. thanks for the input guys.