over the counter sleeping pills


Well-Known Member
DMT is 100pct safe you cant hurt yourself with it as long as its extracted properly. it exist in your body already. sleeping pills are bad for your liver, perscription or otherwise. im not up for the search to show prof of it but my psychology professor told us to avoid sleeping pills if at all possible cause of the long term dmg they can pose. but again to each his own there are people out there doing alot worse. but if you havnt tryed DMT it is very highly recommended, the trip wont last long but you get an excellent euphoria that last a good hour after and you wont build up a tolerence to it, me and friends have triped every hour for like 6 hours in a row and did so far several days in a row and still never felt bogged down or any shitty feelings, its also not something you will ever get addicted to, just enjoy.


Active Member
yeah i can see how it could cause damage so i will proceed with caution.

but i really have to find this DMT,

correct me if im wrong but DMT is extracted from bark you can buy on ebay correct? or am i way off?
I only remember having my vision covered in a white haze, and an increased sensitivity to touch when I would take diph. I think the most I took was 12 at once.
i have had some of the strongest most believable tripps -visions on nytol . you cannot tell whats real of fake, you believ your trip. intence man, sleep-eze, nytol , gravol is a diffrent drug but does the same. I've had full conversations indepth with cans of soup.


Well-Known Member
what makes a substance "safe" in the sense that you worded your point of view... is the ratio between an effective dose and a lethal one....
ok so i know this is not some sort of crazy drug but i had a awesome experience and a figured why not share.

*back story, skip to after stars to just get to trip report*
i have a crazy anxiety and have been prescribed different relaxers ex. xanax, clonazapam, an another one a cant remember (ps i have a high tollerance to pills since birth) xanax i only tried up to 1 mg but thats because he only gave me 4 .25mg pills to test, clonazapam i took 2mg a day for a week then did not like them anymore and started having sleeping problems so i got some sleeping pills the two recent pills were imovane (zopiclone) 7.5mg and dalmane (Flurazepam) 30mg. 4 zopiclone only get me tired after about an hour or 2 the dalmane was a little faster to hit and i took 3. one night i was bored and took 4 zopiclone and 2 dalmane and a joint, i sat down and started playing PS3 and then it started.... my legs were like it was an earth quake then my hands were shacking then full body shakes, and big shakes too not just a little twitch then is stoped about 15min laster then 1 min later it went from 11pm to 4 am O_O rubed my eyes looked at the phone again to make sure it really was 4 am and not just my eyes but then it was 6:30am and then everything was back to normal day was fine so pretty nice trip (oh and for other gamers during the trip i went from lvl 10 to 15 in a FPS)
ok so over the counter sleeping pills i ran out of my actual sleeping pills and they wont give me more for another week. so off i go into the pharmacy and find Benadryl extra strong night time and dormiphen extra strength they are all the same both 50mg pills and both have the same main ingredient "diphenhydramine hydrochloride"so last night i took 4 benadryl 200mg and 6 dormiphen 300mg and then smoked a bowl or two, 30 min later i was hallucinating everyone had like bright orange circuit board all over everything especially on peoples faces, but the fridge was probobly the most crazy thing i started into the shapes for a while and all of a sudden i was racing in a tron like world felt like hours but my friend next to me said it was about 5 seconds lol, the shapes i saw on the walls were different then the faces, faces were computer circuit the walls were an infinit number of shapes and reacted to sound as if i could see the sound waves moving. other things i saw.. i saw 3 men running into battle and they were dressed like old school war stuff:dunce: the shaped also would move when tryied to touch them.
the biggest part of the hallucinations lasted about 2 hours, then slight lasting effect till i went to sleep, another 2 hours later.

strangest part of all was i was completely ok to interact with and do things, i was much slower than usual but fine.
so thats if for now, please feel free to ask anything.
People are different, so drugs in general affect us in different ways.
The reactions we get could be related to how emotionally stable we are, our comfort zone, inner piece or fear ..

This guy isn't lieing. I take like 1-2-3 imovane and it trips you out. Like you feel tired for 2 minutes but DON'T go to sleep. Then you start getting body high. Going on a trampoling is so fun. The first time I took imovane I hallucinated an enormous spider as big as a tractor walking into my yard, and I thought i saw a bunhc of hill billy's drive in my yard (i live in the country and I was down the road with my also high sister riding a bike in the dark) it tripd you out guys! I fall over a lot. I basically feel drunk, annnd hallucinate. It's so sick. mmm I'mma go take one right now.


Well-Known Member
I was a pretty emo teen so I have taken large numbers of sleeping pills and I can assure you that they will mess you up...bad...as for benadryl...ehhhh-----uummmmm...it is only an antihistamine...not really even anything in it that could make you hallucinate...for real...so probably not good if this did in fact happen...drug facts are like my thing...I don't know why...lol. But if you took less of these things they would work better...when you take a lot more than you should you actually cut the effect the meds could have.


Well-Known Member
Well I was wrong...one of the main signs of overdose on Diphenhydramine is hallucinations...so good for you...you literally OD'd on an antihistamine...stop taking your sleeping pills like skittles and you won't need the script early...